[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20140523.mp3[/audio]__________________Many are feared trapped in the submerged ship or stranded in the water. The boat set off from Incheon city on Tuesday night for a 14-hour trip to the resort island of Jeju when it capsized. Officials say they are not sure what caused the ship to sink but some survivors reported hearing a loud impact before the vessel rolled to its side. ___________________恐怕许多人要么被困于渐渐沉没的渡轮上,要么浸在海中.该船周二晚上从仁川启航,预计14个小时后抵达旅游圣地济州岛,但中途发生翻船事故.官方称他们还不确定渡轮沉没的原因,但是一些幸存者报告称在渡轮倾覆前听到一声巨响.
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