英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2014-6-25 10:04



The American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has said it's abandoning plans to buy the British-Swedish drug company AstraZeneca. ________________________________ The decision put a stop to what would have been the largest merger in the industry's history. Brazil's national football team has started its world cup preparations amid fresh protests in Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian football legend Ronaldo who has been acting as an ambassador for the World Cup has blamed the government for the delays in infrastructure projects and backed an opposition candidate for the this year's presidential elections. Here is John McManus. 美国制药巨头辉瑞公司表示放弃计划收购英-瑞合资阿斯利康制药公司.___________________________________这一决定终止了本会是该行业历史上最大的一次并购. 在里约热内卢新一轮的抗议声中,巴西国家足球队开始了世界杯的准备工作.一直担任世界杯大使的巴西足球传奇人物罗纳尔多指责政府延误基础设施的建设,并支持今年总统大选的一名反对派候选人.这里是约翰?麦克马纳斯为你播报的新闻.

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