英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2014-7-1 09:29



From Washington, this is VOA News. President Obama shows up in Afghanistan. Exit polls say Poroshenko win Ukraine presidential vote. I'm Ray Kouguell, reporting from Washington. President Obama left Afghanistan after a 4-hour surprise visit Sunday to see American troops during the Memorial Day Holiday weekend. Speaking at Bagram airfield, the president told the troops they are "real heroes". "I'm here on a single mission and that is to thank you for your extraordinary service. I thank you, as your commander in chief. Because you inspire me, your willingness to serve, to step forward at a time of war and say "Send me." It's the reason the United States stays strong and free.______________________ 美国之音新闻,华盛顿报道.奥巴马总统现身阿富汗.选后民调显示波罗申科赢得乌克兰总统大选.我是雷?寇格尔,华盛顿报道. 本周末适逢美国阵亡将士纪念日,周日,总统奥巴马意外现身阿富汗看望美国士兵,四个小时后离开.奥巴马在巴格拉姆机场发表讲话,称士兵们是"真正的英雄"."我来这里的唯一目的就是感谢你们为国服务,做出杰出贡献.作为你们的最高指挥官我感谢你们.你们的精神打动了我,你们志愿为国服务,在战争时期挺身而出,表示愿意来到这里.因为你们,美国才会一直强大而自由.______________________

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