[audio][/audio]BBC News with Nick Kelly. The United States has warned that the jihadist group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS poses a threat to the entire region after its fighters seized control of another key city in northern Iraq, Mosul. Jim Muir reports. "For the Shiite dominated government in Baghdad, the loss of mainly Sunni Mosul to the radicals was nothing short of a disaster. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki headed an emergency government meeting. '_______________________________ Although he spoke of a swift and urgent response, restructuring the security forces clearly is not going to happen overnight. ISIS's fighters are digging in Mosul and every day that passes, there will be more entrenched." 尼克?克里为您带来BBC新闻. 美国警告伊斯兰圣战组织伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国,即ISIS在占领伊拉克北部另一座重镇摩苏尔后,给整个地区都带来了威胁.吉姆?穆尔报道. "对于以什叶派为主的巴格达政府,以逊尼派为主的摩苏尔被激进分子占领无疑是一场灾难.总理努里奥马里奇主持了一场紧急政府会议.'__________________________________ 尽管马里奇称会采取迅速紧急的措施,但安保力量的重建显然绝非一夕之功可以促成.ISIS的武装分子正在摩苏尔挖壕沟,日复一日,摩苏尔的壕沟会越来越多.
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