[audio][/audio]BBC News with Mike Cooper. The Sunni uprising in Iraq led by the Islamist extremist group ISIS is continuing with uncontested gains in the eastern province of Diyala where there is a Sunni majority. The insurgents say they will move on to Baghdad. This comes as fears grow amongst Western nations of a breakup of Iraq. Jim Muir is in the north. The Americans have told the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that they are ready to intensify and increase their military support. _________________________________________ 迈克`库伯为您报道BBC新闻. 伊斯兰极端组织ISIS挑起的逊尼派暴动在以逊尼派为主的东部迪亚拉省未受阻挠.叛乱分子称他们将继续向巴格达推进.这加剧了西方国家对伊拉克分裂的担忧.吉姆缪尔在北部为您报道. 美国方面现已告知伊拉克总理努里`马利基美国准备增强对该国的军事支持,_______________________________
**** Hidden Message ***** but these obviosly reludent to get drones back into the tumal eara. and also to give unq**cal back to one side, and clearly have some demansion to civil war.