英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2014-7-30 11:06



The villagers now in mourning were driven out once before in Saddam Hussein's time. ____________________________________________________Thousands have fled from the areas where Turkman shiite once lived alongside Sunnis. We drove along the empty streets of Taza, the next village to Bashia. They ended up in a refugee camp, the fate of millions now across this region. Their religious leaders have called for resistance, like this cleric who's bleakly frank about Iraq's crisis. He wouldn't give his name as he fears being targeted by ISIS. Do you realistically think there would be peace in Iraq? Nay. It is far away. It is not impossible, but it needs time. 这些哀痛中的村民之前在萨达姆侯赛因时代也曾被驱逐出家园.______________________________________数千人从土库曼什叶派与逊尼派相邻而居的地方逃离出来.我们沿着塔扎的空旷街道前行,下一个村庄是巴士.他们逃离的最终目的地是难民营,也是该地区数百万人民的归宿之地.他们的宗教领袖呼吁进行抵抗,就像这位牧师一样,直率地表现出了对伊拉克危机的绝望.这位牧师因为担心被ISIS攻击而不愿透露姓名. 实事求是的说,你认为伊拉克会有和平之时吗? 不会. 和平很遥远.但并不是不可能,只是需要时间.

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