英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2014-8-4 09:41



__________________________________Al-Jazeera has said only nine of the 20 defendants are its employees. The others are reportedly students and activists, two of whom were acquitted in Monday's verdict. It comes amid concerns over growing media restrictions in Egypt. Mr. Greste's brother Andrew Greste said he was surprised by verdict, and that he had been ensured all along by the authorities that the Egyptian judiciary is independent. __________________________________________半岛电视台称在这20名被告人中只有其中九人是他们台的受雇人员.据报道称其他的都是学生和激进分子,这其中有两名在周一的审判裁定中被无罪释放.此举发生在埃及不断增加媒体限制而给人们带来堪忧之时. 格利斯特先生的弟弟安德鲁格里斯特称他对这次裁定感到惊奇,因为当局一直在向他确保埃及司法是独立的.

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herman_liu76 发表于 2014-8-6 12:38

The 3 man Alex  said to pm***. Al-Jazero he said only 9 of 20 defendants are epson empolyees. the others are report pourly students and activist, **he were quickly in Monday verdict. Come mix concern ever grown medie restriction in Egypt. Mr Greas run**adsa said he was surprised by verdict and he has been shoot along by the authority that the Egypt judisury was independent.

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