英语听力论坛's Archiver

白天羽 发表于 2014-8-5 08:52

2014.8.5 每日当三省吾身,每日三译之三

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dlaili 发表于 2014-8-5 20:22

A:HELLO.I want to check in .
B:OK.where do you go to?
A:I want to go to san Francisco city.
B :All right .May I  see your  passport ?
A:Here you are.
B:Thank you ,ok ,you have been checked in.please go to the boarding gate no. eighty-eight

Andy-Lee 发表于 2014-8-7 12:44

A:嗨,我要办理登机。Hi, i want to check to plane
B:好的,您今天要飞往哪里?ok,where are you fly to?
A:我要飞往三藩市。i will go to San Fransico
B:好的。我可以看下您的护照吗?ok, can i have a look your passport
A:给。here you are
B:谢谢。好了,您的登机手续已经办好了。请到88号登机口。thanks.it's ok,your check is ok.

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