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sophy_5288 发表于 2014-8-20 16:11


With the rapid growth in Internet usage, more teenagers are continually exposed to it on a daily basis. As a parent, you may be concerned about how your teenagers are being impacted by this exposure to the Internet. As do many aspects of contemporary culture, the Internet does impact teenagers, with some of the impacts being positive and some negative.
[color=#0e12ff]  随着互联网使用的迅速增长,越来越多的青少年每天都会接触到互联网。作为一位家长,您可能会关心自己的孩子在与互联网接触的过程中受到了什么样的影响。如同许多当代文化,互联网的确影响着青少年,有些影响是正面的,而有些是负面的。[/color]
[color=#0e12ff]  更多精彩英语文章阅读:[/color][url=http://read.qsbdc.com/][color=#0e12ff]英语分级阅读
[/color][/url]  Internet Usage
[color=#0e12ff]  互联网使用量
[/color]  The majority of U.S. teenagers use the Internet on a regular basis. According to Act for Youth, more than 80 percent of children between the ages of 12 and 17 use the Internet regularly. Almost 50 percent of these teenagers log onto the Internet on a daily basis. Almost 90 percent of teenagers use email regularly, while 75 percent of teenagers use instant messaging applications to talk to their friends. More than half of teens also have multiple email addresses or login names.
[color=#0e12ff]  大多数的美国青少年是互联网的常规使用者。根据青少年行动网的数据,在12岁到17岁这一年龄段的青少年中,有80%经常使用互联网。近50%的青少年每天都会登录互联网。90%左右的青少年经常使用电子邮件,而75%的青少年经常使用即时聊天应用与朋友聊天。超过半数的青少年还同时拥有多个电子邮箱或网名。
[/color]  Multitasking
[color=#0e12ff]  一心多用
[/color]  The growth of the Internet has increased the use of multitasking for teenagers and children. According to Marketing1 Vox, 73 percent of kids with Internet access engage in multitasking between the television and the Internet. Almost half of teenagers visit websites they see on TV while watching, while 45 percent of children have sent instant messages or text messages to friends who are watching the same television shows as them at the same time.
[color=#0e12ff]  互联网的发展使得青少年和儿童经常一心多用。根据网络之声调查网的数据,在使用互联网的孩子中,73%的孩子会同时看电视和上网。接近一半的青少年在看电视时会同时浏览该节目的网站,还有45%的孩子会同时发讯息给收看同一节目的小伙伴们。
[/color]  Access to Sexual Content
[color=#0e12ff]  接触色情内容
[/color]  One of the common concerns for parents is that their children are accessing sexual content while online. With the growth in pornographic content online, it is easy for teenagers to view. According to Psychology2 Today, 92 percent of Swedish teenagers admitted to viewing online pornography at some point. According to the survey, girls are more likely to stumble upon the pornography, while boys are more likely to go out and look for it while online.
[color=#0e12ff]  一个让家长普遍关心的问题就是他们的孩子在上网时会接触到色情内容。随着网上情色内容的增长,青少年很容易看到这些信息。根据今日心理网的数据,92%的瑞士青少年承认他有时会观看在线情色内容,根据调查,女孩多数是偶然看到情色内容,而男孩则更多是主动地在网上搜索这些内容。
[/color]  Addiction3
[color=#0e12ff]  沉迷
[/color]  While many teenagers know how to use the Internet responsibly, some teenagers become addicted4 to the Internet while using it regularly. According to the "Journal of Adolescent Health," 25 percent of male students and 13 percent of female students are addicted to the Internet. Of those addicted to the Internet, 32 percent of those children were engaged in aggressive behavior online at some point. For example, these students may have threatened physical violence on someone else at some point.
[color=#0e12ff]  更多精彩英语文章阅读:[/color][url=http://read.qsbdc.com/][color=#0e12ff]英语分级阅读
[/color][/url][color=#0e12ff]  虽然很多青少年知道如何有鉴别力地使用互联网,但有些青少年在经常使用网络之后变得沉迷起来。根据《青少年健康杂志》,25%的男性学生和13%的女性学生沉迷网络。在那些沉迷网络的学生中,32%的孩子曾在网络上有过激行为。比如说,这些学生可能曾经以暴力威胁过其他人。[/color]

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