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sophy_5288 发表于 2014-12-9 16:57

惊动中央 阿拉伯男子因太帅被驱逐出境

[size=16px][b]  Three men were ejected from Saudi Arabia by religious police for being “too handsome”.
[color=#0f0dff]  [/color][color=#0f0dff]三名沙特·阿拉伯人因“长得太帅”,被宗教警察判处驱逐出境。[/color][/b][/size]
[color=#0f0dff][size=16px][b]       更多中英双语阅读:[/b][/size][/color][url=http://read.qsbdc.com/][color=#0f0dff][size=16px][b]英语分级阅读
[/b][/size][/color][/url][size=16px][b]  A local newspaper explained the men had been targeted amid fears “female visitors would fall for them”, and they were swiftly deported to Abu Dhabi.
[/b][/size][size=16px][b][color=#0f0dff]  一家当地报纸声称,政府担心这三名男子会使“女性游客暗许芳心”,因而被及时的遣送到了阿布扎比。
[/color]  Now Jezebel claims to have lifted the veil on one of the trio, and we reckon those religious police were onto something…
[/b][/size][size=16px][b][color=#0f0dff]  现在一家报刊让三名男子中的一位解开了面纱,我们看出,宗教警察的裁判不无道理……
[/color]  Without further ado, meet Omar Borkan Al Gala, a photographer, actor and poet from Dubai.
[/b][/size][size=16px][b][color=#0f0dff]  言归正传,让我们见识一下这位来自迪拜的摄影师、演员兼诗人,奥玛·驳坎·阿尔格拉。
[/color]  Though he has not yet confirmed he was indeed one of the infamous three, Al Gala has modestly posted a link to the original news report on his Facebook page, along with such musings as: “The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.” Sigh.
[/b][/size][size=16px][b][color=#0f0dff]  虽然阿尔格拉本人并没有承认他是那不被欢迎的三人组之中的一员,但是他还是以谦虚的姿态在自己的脸书网页面上发布了一条相关新闻报道的链接,还用带有哲思的语言写道:“一位女子的美丽蕴藏在她的眸中,那是心灵的窗户,爱情栖息之地。”多么美妙!
[/color]  Speculation suggested Al Gala was attending Riyadh’s annual Janadriyah Festival when the incident occurred.
[/b][/size][size=16px][b][color=#0f0dff]  有人猜测,阿尔格拉是在利雅得参加杰纳第利亚遗产文化节庆典的时候,被宗教警察发现以至驱逐出境的。
[/color]  Emirates states the three men in question were delegates at a stand promoting the UAE, which had attracted the attention of the religious police due to the unexpected presence of a female Emirati artist.
[/b][/size][size=16px][b][color=#0f0dff]  阿联酋航空公司人员声称,这三名男子是文化节上阿联酋站台前的代表,不料,一位阿联酋女性艺术家被他们的展台吸引,因而引起了宗教警察的注意。
[/color]  A spokesman for the UAE delegation issued a statement confirming: “Her visit to the UAE stand was a coincidence as it was not included in the programme which we had already provided to the festival’s management.”
[/b][/size][size=16px][b][color=#0f0dff]  阿联酋代表团的发言人发表了一则声明,肯定“她对阿联酋展台的赏光出乎我们意料,这一事件不在我们为文化节筹备的展示项目之内。”
[/color]  Arabian Business, which has also fingered Al Gala as being one of the trio, points out the strictly conservative Sunni Muslim society prohibits women from interacting with unrelated males.
[/b][/size][size=16px][b][color=#0f0dff]  《阿拉伯经济周刊》也将阿尔格拉指认为三名男子中的一员,该报刊指出,在极端保守的逊尼派穆斯林社会中,女子被禁止与无关的男子接触。
[/color]  Out of pure journalistic curiosity we’re looking forward to checking out the other two chaps too.[/b][/size]
[color=#0f0dff][size=16px][b]       更多中英双语阅读:[/b][/size][/color][url=http://read.qsbdc.com/][color=#0f0dff][size=16px][b]英语分级阅读
[/b][/size][/color][/url][color=#0f0dff][size=16px][b]  出于纯粹的舆论好奇,我们期待着查明另两名男子是谁。[/b][/size][/color]

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