[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20150110.mp3[/audio]The French news agency reports that Israel has thwarted a Hamas militant attack on a Jerusalem football stadium. ______________________________________________ A gag order on the operation has just been lifted. The young men are said to have been recruited from Jordan, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Syria, by Hamas commanders based in Turkey. They were allegedly ordered to attack Jerusalem's Teddy Stadium, which is home to the Beitar Jerusalem football club. I'm Michael Lipin in Washington. That's the latest world news from VOA. 据法新社报道,以色列扼杀了哈马斯武装分子在耶鲁撒冷足球场发动袭击的预谋. _____________________________________________ 有关方面解除了针对该行动的言论禁止令.据称,这些来自约旦、西岸地带、加沙地带和叙利亚的年轻男子受雇于以土耳其为基地的哈马斯军官. 据称,这30名武装分子受命袭击耶路撒冷特迪运动场.该运动场是比达耶路撒冷足球俱乐部的主场. 我是迈克尔-李平,于华盛顿为您报道. 这里是美国之音最新全球新闻.
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