英国美容整形外科医生协会最近的一份报告称,男士缩胸手术已经连续两年成为英国美容整形行业增长最快的一个分支,去年的手术数量为581例,增长率高达80%。外科医生们认为,促使男士们缩减胸围的部分原因来自时尚杂志上猛男们的图片,那些拥有完美身材的男模给了普通男士们很大压力。另外,很多男性读者们在看到媒体宣传后才意识到,自己胸部肥胖的状况是可以改变的。不过,医生提醒,男性胸部肥硕的问题不一定要通过手术解决,减肥和健身等日常的锻炼方式也可以达到目的。Breast reduction for men is the fastest-growing part of the cosmetic surgery industry in Britain for the second year in a row, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons reports.
The organization saw an 80% increase in surgery to reduce the size of "moobs," from 323 in 2008 to 581 last year.
Much of the incentive comes from widespread attention to the oft-displayed physiques, obtained through non-surgical means, of such sports figures and actors as David Beckham and Matthew McConaughey.
"Many men are feeling the pressure from men's magazines that weren't even being published five or six years ago," says consultant plastic surgeon Rajiv Grover, a BAAPS official, the BBC reports.
"In addition, they are just realizing that they can get something done about it."
Grover also notes that men have alternatives to gynaecomastia, the official name for male breast reduction.
"Quite a few cases are caused by obesity," he says. "And we often say to men to look at their lifestyles before thinking about the scalpel." :qq84] I really can not believe those silly men to care so much about their appearence,don't they want to attract women's eyes by their looking,oh my god.[b] [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=153751&ptid=65324]1#[/url] [i]星期一[/i] [/b] [b] [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=154627&ptid=65324]2#[/url] [i]halo[/i] [/b]
Appearance till has strong attraction to a number of female in reality. What a pity! It is just the weakness of mine.:qq85]