[list][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236509.html]英语听力视频:Twitter高价上市带动社交产品IPO[/url][p=20, 2, left]Twitter纽交所上市 IPO市值达141亿美元 How much will Twitter's IPO go for? From October 25, 2013: CNN's Christine Romans takes a look at how much Twitter's IPO stock price will be. 美国著名社交网站Twitter最终将其IPO的价格定为每...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236508.html]美媒报道:《行尸走肉》为何在中国蹿红?[/url][p=20, 2, left]...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236507.html]视频《死不了的中国人》回应辱华言论[/url][p=20, 2, left]Following Jimmy Kimmel's infamous kids roundtable where the solution preferred by one young chap was to kill all the Chinese people since they are the ones we owe money to, the Chinese people decided enough was enough and put together this brief tuto...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236506.html]英语听力视频:台风海燕洗劫菲律宾[/url][p=20, 2, left]超级台风海燕肆虐东南亚 Super-Typhoon Cuts Trail of Destruction in Philippines Officials say 10,000 feared dead from storm that destroyed 80 percent of everything in its path 超级台风海燕横扫菲律宾,初步估计,这场特大灾难...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236505.html]外媒看中国:“土豪”成英语热词[/url][p=20, 2, left]A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China - tuhao - which loosely translated means nouveau riche. There have been more than 100 million references to the word tuhao on social media since early September. 一个新词最近突然在中国爆...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236504.html]《破产女孩》第三季第一集:跟Max学吐槽热点[/url][p=20, 2, left]1. Facebook went public and Edward snowden went private. 脸书爆料个人信息,爱德华斯诺登爆料政府信息。 新闻背景知识:2013年10月社交网站巨头Facebook 提出1项可以把使用者资讯及照片拿来打广告的新政策...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236503.html]温州保安英语无障碍交流 娴熟模仿奥巴马演讲[/url][p=20, 2, left]...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236502.html]哈佛教授教你唱《两只老虎》曲子版中国朝代歌[/url][p=20, 2, left]The order of Chinas dynasties can be a complicated puzzle for students of Chinese history. The Harvard professors William Kirby and Peter Bol offer this trick: a song that names the major dynasties, the Republic of China and the Peoples Republic of C...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236501.html]英语新闻视频:想永葆青春就多喝水[/url][p=20, 2, left]想永葆青春,就多喝水 Woman Finds Fountain of Youth By Drinking 6 Bottles of Water a Day 42-year old Sarah Smith claims drinking water helped take 10 years off her face. 美国一个42岁的中年妇女为了缓解偏头痛,每天坚持喝...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236500.html]英语听力视频:联想推出Yoga平板电脑[/url][p=20, 2, left]联想发布四核Yoga Tablet,18小时超长续航 Lenovo reveals new tablet design Richard Quest talks with David Roman of Lenovo to find out what makes their new tablet different from others on the market. 平板战争再起,联想在美国推出两...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236499.html]英语访谈录:好汉两个半主演乔恩克莱尔[/url][p=20, 2, left]乔恩克莱尔说给孩子更多关注 Jon Cryer's Ex Demands More Child Support Two and a Half Men star's ex-wife argues child support should be increased with increased custody. 著名演员乔恩克莱尔陷子女抚养纠纷,虽然Jon Cryer自己...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236498.html]英语听力视频:美国女孩捡到3.85克拉钻石 价值3万美元[/url][p=20, 2, left]Teen Finds 3.85-Carat Diamond in State Park Tana Clymer tried her luck at the Crater of Diamonds Park after hearing of another success story. 美国俄克拉何马州一名14岁少女日前和家人到阿肯色州的钻石坑公园(Crater of Diamonds...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236497.html]新闻英语听力:林书豪做好迎接新赛季[/url][p=20, 2, left]林书豪不惧首发之争:我不会改变球风 Jeremy Lin: I don't focus on race Jeremy Lin on whether it's more difficult to make it as an Asian-American player in the NBA. NBA华裔球星林书豪明确表示不会改变自己的打球方式,渴...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236496.html]普京力压奥巴马当选《福布斯》最具影响力人物[/url][p=20, 2, left]This year the votes for the Worlds Most Powerful went to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He climbs one spot ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama, who held the title in 2012. 今年世界最有影响力人物得主是俄罗斯总统普京,美国总统...[/p][*][url=http://www.tingroom.com/video/news/236495.html]电影“乔布斯”扮演者阿什顿•库彻加盟联想[/url][/list]页: