英语听力论坛's Archiver

幽幽草 发表于 2007-3-6 16:43


备用详细目录,惠索即寄 catalogues will be sent upon request

  备有各种款式的现货,任君挑选 available in various designs and specifications for your selection

  备有塑料盒,便于安全保存 a plastic case is compartmentalized for safe storage.

  表面光泽 lustrous surface

  薄利多销 volume large, profit small

  不可退货 without return

  不惜工本 spare no cost at any cost;at all costs; at any cost

  采用先进技术和工艺 to adopt advanced technology

  采用最新设备和工艺 with the most up-to-date equipment and techniques

  操作简便 easy and simple to handle

  产品按质分等 grade products according to quality

  常饮绿茶,增进健康 regular tea drinking improves your health

  敞开供应 sufficent supply; products are sold without limitations; commodities are available without restriction

  传送灵活 to ensure smooth transmission

  传统绣工精湛 exquisite traditional embroidery art

  大贱卖 sale price; crazy price; terrific value; special buy

  定牌包装 packing of nominated brand

  独特的民族风味 to have a unique national style

  多年使用,不出故障 to assure years of trouble-free service.

  防水、防震、防磁 waterproof, shock-resistant and antimagnetic

  防缩 shrink-proof

  防皱 crease-resistance

  富有弹性 high resilience

  工艺精良 sophisticated technologies

  供不应求 in short supply; demand exceeding supply

  光洁度高 highly polished

  回味隽永 pleasant in after-taste

  货源充足 ample supply and prompt delivery

  技术先进 modern techniques

  技艺精湛 exquisite craftsmanship; fine craftsmanship

  价格公道 reasonable price; street price; moderate price

  价格适中 moderrat cost

  价谦物美 high quality and inexpensive; less expensive, high quality goods; high quality and low overhead

  节日送礼之佳品 ideal gift for all occasions

  洁白纯正 pure whiteness

  洁白如玉 jade white

  洁白透明 pure white and translucent

  结构坚固 sturdy construction; firm in structure

  经久耐用 structural durabilities

  精打细算 be shrewd in money matters; careful calculation and strict budgeting

  居同类产品之魁首 to rank first among similar products

  具有传统风味特色 distinctive for its traditional properties

  具有中国风味 possessing Chinese flavours

  抗冲击强度高 excellent in cushion effect

  抗热耐磨 strong resistance to heat and hard wearign

  科学精制 by scientific process

  口味鲜美 delicious in taste

  快干 drip-dry

  买一送一 buy one give one; buy one get one free

  免烫 non-ironing

  能多次翻新 can be repeatedly remoulded.

  您想购买中国土特产品吗? Do you want to buy some Chinese native produce?

  烹制简便 convenient to cook

  品质优良 excellent (in) quality

  清仓大拍卖 clearance price

  清货大减价 big clearance sale

  清香爽口 pleasant to the palate

  请君常购中国绿茶 always buy Chinese green teas.

  韧硬兼顾 to have both the quality of tenacity and hardness

  入口和醇 mild and mellow

  软硬适中 neither too hard nor too soft

  散热迅速 rapid heat dissipation

  色泽光洁,柔软防滑 lustrous, soft and antislippery

  色泽清澈 limpid in sight

  设计合理 professional design

  设计新颖 modern design

  生意兴隆 driving a roaring trade

  使用方便 easy to use

  使用极便 utmost in convenience

  使用寿命长久 long perfomance life

  岁末大减价 year-end bargain sale

  甜而不腻 agreeable sweetness

  外观色泽透明 bright and traslucent in appearance

  外型永葆如新 to ensur a like-new appearance indefinely

  维修简易 easy to repair

  味道纯正 good taste

  味鲜可口 agreeable to taste

  物价稳定 price remains stable

  夏季特别大减价 special summer sale

  香浓可口  aromatic character and agreeable taste

  香气馥郁 fragrant aroma

  香气高雅 elegant in smell

  香味纯和 pure and mild flavour

  香味浓郁 aromatic flavour; fragrant (in) flavour

  性能可靠 dependable performance

  性能可靠 reliable perormance

  性能无与伦比 unequal in performanc

  性能优越 superior performance

  选材精良 superior materials

  选料讲究 high quality materials

  选料考究 choice materials

  沿用传统的生产方式 with traditional methods

  易于润滑 easy to lubricate

  用料精选 carefully selected materials

  用料上乘 selected material

  优质西瓜,消暑解渴 top watermelons, quell summer thirst

  制作精巧 skilful manufacture

  制作精巧 perfect in workmanship

  质量高,卫生严 high standard in quality and hygiene

  众所喜爱品尝之佳品 delicacies loved by all

  走时准确 punctual timing

  最新工工艺 latest technology

  做工讲究 exquisite (in) workmanship

  做工精细 fine workmanship

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