英语听力论坛's Archiver

pady401 发表于 2015-4-2 17:13

冬日的小温暖和小伤感 Long Lost Penpal

[url=http://www.tingroom.com/song/tingyingwengequ/280036.html]英文歌曲:冬日的小温暖和小伤感 Long Lost Penpal[/url]


来自于Hello Saferide,瑞典的乐队组合。主创Annika Norlin在成为音乐人之前,还是著名的文艺女青年、影评人、音乐记者、电台节目主持人。如今巡演占用了Annika大部分的时间,但她依旧保持着在电台里的工作,主持一档并不那么商业的电台音乐节目,向听众介绍全世界最新的独立音乐。Annika从10岁开始写歌,写到2005年的时候已经有了好几百首,直到有一天她觉得好玩,就在朋友的卧室录了《高中跟踪狂》(Highschool Stalker)这首傻乎乎又有些歇斯底里的小情歌,并且放到了MySpace上。结果几个星期以后,一纸唱片约就飞到了她的桌上,从此由幕后走向台前。

Do you remember me
I am your long lost pen [url=http://dict.qsbdc.com/pal][b]pal[/b][/url][url=http://www.tingroom.com/song/tingyingwengequ/280036.html#_w_1]1[/url]
It must have been ten years ago we last wrote
I don’t really know what happened
I guess life came in the way
Let me know if you’re still alive
Let me know if you ever used that knife or not
Yes I remember you
I’ve got a husband and two children now
I work as an [url=http://dict.qsbdc.com/accountant][b]accountant[/b][/url][url=http://www.tingroom.com/song/tingyingwengequ/280036.html#_w_2]2[/url] and make [url=http://dict.qsbdc.com/fairly][b]fairly[/b][/url][url=http://www.tingroom.com/song/tingyingwengequ/280036.html#_w_3]3[/url] good money
I still have your letters, you used a pink pen to write them
And you would comfort me
when my tears would [url=http://dict.qsbdc.com/stain][b]stain[/b][/url][url=http://www.tingroom.com/song/tingyingwengequ/280036.html#_w_4]4[/url] the ink
And I would send you mix tapes with Kate [url=http://dict.qsbdc.com/Bush][b]Bush[/b][/url][url=http://www.tingroom.com/song/tingyingwengequ/280036.html#_w_5]5[/url] on
I have to admit I sometimes lied in those letters
Tried to make life better than it was
I still wasn’t kissed at sixteen
And I still need a friend
There was this letter
I never told you this back then
But it would be fair to say it saved my life
I sat in the window
The only one left out from a party again
Pretty sure I didn’t have a single friend
Then I checked the mailbox
Dear long lost penpal
I was lying the whole time
I’m really a 46 years old man named Luke
I have three children
and a wife, she doesn’t care
And I hope you don’t [url=http://dict.qsbdc.com/resent][b]resent[/b][/url][url=http://www.tingroom.com/song/tingyingwengequ/280036.html#_w_6]6[/url] me
And I hope you do not hate me
For trying to find my way back to what it’s like to be young
I have to admit I sometimes lied in those letters
Tried to make life better than it was
I still wasn’t kissed at sixteen
And I still need a friend


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