:qq72] read the article carefully and then try to tranlate the words marked red to gain the score.As I try to outline my thoughts, the subject becomes more and more difficult. I have many basic beliefs but as I try to pick and choose it seems to me that they all can be summarized in the word "character." Obviously, what you believe is a fundamental thing. There can be no fanfare, no embellishments. It must be honest.
An architect once told me that the most difficult structure to design was a simple monumental shaft. The proportions must perfect to be pleasing. The hardest thing to build is a plain straight wall. The dimensions must be absolute. In either case there is no ornamentation to hide irregularities, [color=red]no moldings to cover hidden defects and no supports to strengthen concealed weaknesses. [/color] 没有隐藏瑕疵的现成模板,也没有强化弱点的支承结构。 不能以修饰隐藏缺点,也没有强化弱点的承托 没有任何模具可以掩盖隐藏的瑕疵,也没有任何支撑用以增强对隐秘缺陷的扶持 没必要掩饰,加强自己的优点,改善自己缺点。