7月04日英语故事:Two Peasants
:qq71][b]read the story carefully and then write down what you get from the story to gain the score.[/b]
Once upon a time two Peasants attempted to pass each other, and their sledges became entangled.
One cried, "Give me room; I must get to town as quickly as possible."
The other said." You give me room; I must get home as quickly as possible."
Thus for a long time they disputed.
A third Peasant saw it, and said, "If you are in such a hurry. then each of you give way a little."
另有一个农夫见了说:“要是你们都这么着急的话,就各自退让一点儿吧。” [i=s] 本帖最后由 wsdxhhhh 于 2010-7-4 02:53 PM 编辑 [/i]
[color=#000][font=Verdana][size=13px]千里捎书只为墙,再让三尺又何妨?万里长城今犹在,不见当年秦始皇。[/size][/font][/color] You have profound knowledge of historical allusion. It's an appropriate description.[b] [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=158543&ptid=67739]2#[/url] [i]wsdxhhhh[/i] [/b] Everything will dissolve if we give a way to other. 都退一步,海阔天空 When meet with trouble, don't always think of yourself.Put yourself into other people's shoes.