the death of aunt Fumei
[i=s] 本帖最后由 areyouready 于 2010-7-27 13:54 编辑 [/i][sub]heart[/sub]Aunt FUmei died. she ponsioned herself to death, which came as a shock to me. Why? I couldn't believe my ears the moment I heart of the news. She was so optimistic that it was just impossible. Few days later after her death, my husband and i went back to hometown. we heart of sth about this tragedy. Aunt Fumei is my sister-in-law's close relative .After my brother marrieda she became the matchmaker of my husband and me.Then we began to know each other. she was middle-aged with two sons .she was not a beautiful woman but very industrious and warm-hearted. she took care of nearly all of her friends and relatives.the story I heart of goes like this. Aunt fumei'husband ,Uncle wu,has gone crazy about gambling for nearly a year and gambled away a few thousand money. Aunt fumei was unhappy about this. sometimes they might have quarreled about his gambling. that was a very hot afternoon.Uncle wu was busy gambling while aunt fumei was taking care of the family business. The goods had arrived but no one unloaded them. As a farmer, she was not too fragile to take them down. but she had been working for so long. she need a rest. so she sent someone to call her husband back but in vain. she had to go herself. when she found him, she asked him to stop gambling and go home but was refused. Aunt fumei was tired and angry and she turned over their table. Because of this,uncle Wu got angry.He beat up on her just in front of his parters. During their fighting, those who gambled with uncle Wu did stop him. then he went straight to gambling table again, leaving aunt fumei crying lying on the ground. Towards evening, aunt fumei went to the gambling site again.She told her husband,'' you may gamble as you like, but this is the last time you beat me and the last time you see me.'' After that she returned to their truck. uncle Wu paid no attention to her words.when uncle Wu finally quited the game and found that aunt fumei was dying in the truck. that night aunt fumei died,leaving two boys motherless. very sad story,write more about you,please. [url=]网络短信平台[/url]有短信通知功能。[url=]sp短信平台[/url]支持使用支付宝或是财付通在线充值。可以自动过滤客户提交的短信内容,[url=]短信群发平台[/url]有不允许发的关键字,直接提示。[url=]网络短信平台[/url]可以设置平台的短信发送时间,客户不在规定的时间内发送,直接提示。可以设置允许用户最低发送多少短信,有时候需要给用户测试个10条以下的,但是实际发的时候需要客户发五千条以上,[url=]网上短信平台[/url]可以设置是10条以下可以发,[url=]网虹短信平台源码[/url]五千条以上的可以发。10条到五千条之前的发不了。[url=]短信软件开发[/url]可以自动生成报告文件,可以设置发送速度,成功率。客户发送[url=]北京短信群发平台[/url]短信时可以使用Excel文件、csv文件、txt文件。[url=]短信平台[/url]可以自动排重,可以过滤一些不是手机号码的数字。 She is miserable! There are many women are like her in China.Her husband must be responsible for her dead.