英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2015-10-19 10:56



Most big cities have some homelessness, but the problem is very visible in Los Angeles. City officials hope they can eradicate1 the problem and have pledged $100 million for the battle. _____________________________________
“Homelessness has increased by about 12 to 15 percent.  The street homelessness or the encampments have increased more than 80 percent,” said Joel John Roberts of the nonprofit group People Assisting the Homeless (PATH).
“无家可归者已经增加了大约12%至15%。街道上的无家可归者或露宿者已经增加了超过80%。”“资助无家可归者”(People Assisting the Homeless)组织的Joel John Roberts表示。

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