英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2015-11-5 10:01



Witnesses say a bomb went off in central Pakistan Sunday, killing at least 10 people and wounding about 60 others. The violence happened near a bus terminal in the city of Multan. No one has claimed responsibility.__________________ Meanwhile, A political novice, former neural surgeon Ben Carlson has risen to second behind Trump in surveys of Republicans across the U.S. 目击者称巴基斯坦中部周日发生爆炸案,造成至少10人死亡,60人受伤.爆炸发生在木尔坦市一汽车终点站.目前无人声称对此事负责.__________________与此同时,一份全美对共和党总统候选人的调查报告显示,初涉政坛的前神经外科医生本?卡尔森在候选人排名中升至第二位,紧随特郎普之后.

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