[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voa/voa20151113.mp3[/audio]Under the sun is an old expression – at least 3,000 years old. It means everywhere the sun shines. King Solomon of Israel used it in the Bible. He wrote that nothing under the sun is new. What has been will be again, he said, and what has been done will be done again. If there is nothing new under the sun, there is nothing new anywhere. New or old, few things can be hidden in the bright light of the sun.________________________"under the sun"是一种非常古老的说法,最起码有3,000年的历史了.这句话意思是说所有在太阳下笼罩的地方.以色列国王所罗门在圣经中这样使用过.他写道,太阳之下皆为旧事.他说,已有之事会必再有,已行之事会必再行. 太阳底下没有新鲜事,任何地方都没有. 新或旧,只有极其一小部分可以在强烈太阳光之下隐藏._________________________
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