[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voa/voa20151127.mp3[/audio]Let's say you want to tell a child a story about something that happened long before they were born. You could say it happened when they "were just a twinkle in their father's eyes." This expression has a humorous and dreamy feel. Here, the word "twinkle" suggests the interest your father had in your mother. When a much older man is interested in a much younger woman and supports her with his money, he is called her "sugar daddy." The money part is very important – that's the sugar._____________________________我们来说说另外的俗语,你想给一个孩纸讲一个故事,这个故事发生在他们出生之前.你可以这样说,当他们"还是父亲眼里的一道闪光"这个表达具有一定幽默感和梦幻色彩.这里的"闪光"暗示着你父亲对你母亲的关注. 当一个年长的男人对一个非常年轻的女人有兴趣,还用自己的钱給她用,这样的男人就被称为"糖爹"金钱占据着重要原因--钱就如同蜜糖.___________________________
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