英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2015-12-3 13:16



In Canada, three universities recently ran a program to train female students to avoid sexual assault while in college. The two-year program was available at universities in Calgary, Alberta, and Windsor and Guelph in Ontario, Canada. The program involved women in their first year at the schools. The students spent 12 hours learning how to judge risks, deal with emotions, and use self-defense. The program taught students to be especially on guard at parties and other high-risk campus social events. _______________________________加拿大的三所大学最近开展了在校培训女大学生避免性侵的项目.这项为期两年的项目在加拿大艾伯塔省卡尔加里大学、安大略省的温莎大学和圭尔夫大学均有开设. 该项目针对大一女学生,她们需要花12个小时学习如何判断风险,控制情绪并运用自卫.该项目教育学生特别在聚会和其它高风险的学校社交活动上提高警惕.______________________________

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