英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2015-12-11 13:25



The Cameroonian government says that terrorism threatens large numbers of schoolchildren. Two bomb attacks killed nine people last month in the town of Kolofata, near the border with Nigeria. At the same time, millions of children returned to school after a three-month holiday. Cameroon has been working to make its school campuses safer. One of the most dangerous areas is along the border with Nigeria.________________________喀麦隆政府称恐怖主义威胁着许多学龄儿童.上个月发生在尼日利亚边境的两起炸弹袭击造成Kolofata镇9人死亡. 与此同时,数百万儿童在三个月的假期后返校,喀麦隆一直采取措施确保校园更加安全. 其中最危险的地区是同尼日利亚交界的边境地区沿线._______________________

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