英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2016-2-3 09:40



The people of Slovenia have rejected a legislation that would grant same sex couples the rights to marry and adopt children. In a referendum, more than 60%said no to a law that had been approved by parliament in March. A gay rights activist Raymond Cougar said the referendum was a positive development in itself despite the outcome. "_________________________ We have won in a sense that we are talking about these things. We live in a country which doesn't guarantee everyone equal rights. In that sense, we are exceptional in society. We will have to ask ourselves in what kind of society we want to live and what kind of society we will leave our children. " 斯洛文尼亚人民拒绝法律赋予同性伴侣结婚和领养孩子的权力.今年三月,该国议会通过相关法律,但是在全民公投中,有超过60%的民众持反对意见.雷蒙德?库克是一名同性恋权力活动人士,他说道,尽管结果不尽如人意,但全民公投本身就是一个积极的发展态势."______________但在社会意识层面上我们成功了.对同性恋问题不再讳莫如深,在这个层面上我们取得了成果.在斯洛文尼亚,并不是每个人都享有平等的权力.从这个角度讲,同性恋不为社会所容.我们要问我们自己,我们想要生活在什么样的社会中,我们要为我们的子孙后代留下一个什么样的社会."

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