[audio][/audio]A founder of one of the most violent drug cartels in Mexico has been found shot dead near a highway tollbooth. Katy Watson reports from Mexico City. “Carlos Rosales Mendoza went by the nickname of El Tisico. By the early 2000s he was one of the most powerful drugs lords in the west of Mexico. ____________________. Prosecutors in the state of Michoacan say that all of victims were male and appeared to have been shot in one place. Drugs cartels have made Michoacán one of the most violent states in the country in recent years . “ 墨西哥一极具bao li(violent)色彩的fan du(drug)组织创建者之一在一高速公路收费站处被枪杀.凯特R26;沃特森墨西哥城报道.“绰号埃提西科(El Tisico)的卡洛斯R26;罗萨莱斯R26;门多萨在2000年早期是墨西哥西部地区最具势力的毒枭之一._______________ 今年早些时候这个臭名昭著的毒枭被捕.墨西哥弥却肯州检察官表示死者均为男性并且显然是在同一地点被枪杀.近年来由于fan du(drug)组织猖獗弥却肯州成为墨西哥暴力问题最严重的地区之一.
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