[3-14]英语散文 The Cats of Roma 罗马印象
The Cats of Roma 罗马印象[b]The Cats of Roma[/b]
[color=#333333][font=Simsun]by R. Bremner[/font][/color]
[color=#333333][font=Simsun] My most enduring memory of Roma is of an occurrence on a cold November afternoon in the little green park which sits just above and overlooks the Coliseum. A lone woman, looking ninety or more years of age, carried two large shopping bags to a bench. After sitting down, she began to call out something in Italian, which I didn’t understand. The most amazing thing then happened: within seconds, all manner of cats began to appear from all directions. Some come singly, some in groups of two, three, or more. The old woman reached into a bag, and removed five large bowls. These she placed in a row on the ground, and filled them with food. Then she sat down to watch.[/font][/color]
[color=#333333][font=Simsun] By now there were at least twenty cats, and more coming. Some crawled through space below a nearby wall, some pranced across the park lawn, and some, I swear, even seemed to climb down from trees. And there they were, this multitude of cats, purring and meowing, and eating their fill. They made quite a lot of noise, as you might expect. It was not a sight I’d expect to see in the middle of one of the world’s great cities, to be sure.[/font][/color]
[color=#333333][font=Simsun] After a while, the woman packed up her things, and went on her way, bidding her charges a fond farewell. The cats gradually dispersed, taking their own good time, as cats do. And before long, it was just another chilly day in another park in Roma.[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Simsun]罗马[/font][/color][u]印象[/u]
[font=Simsun]寒心 译[/font]
[font=Simsun] 我对罗马印象最深的是公园的那群猫,那是十一月份,一个寒冷的下午,我正坐在已泛黄的公园的草坪上,俯瞰大剧场的景色。视野中出现了一个[/font][u]孤独[/u][font=Simsun]的老太太,看起来大约九十多岁了,提了两个大购物袋来到了一个长凳子边,坐下来,开始用我听不懂的意大利语大声呼唤着什么。接下来奇迹发生了:不到几秒钟,各种小猫从袋子里向四面八方逃窜。有的单独一只,有的两三个一群,或者更多。老太太把手伸进一个袋子里,取出五个大碗,在地上摆成一排,里面放满食物。然后她坐下来注视着这些可爱的猫咪。[/font]
[font=Simsun] 目前至少有二十只猫,也许将来会更多。这些猫,有的靠在墙根蜷缩着身子,有的在草坪上来回追逐,有的在树上爬上爬下跳跃着。它们个个肚子吃得滚圆,喵喵地叫着,发出兴奋的咕噜声,草地上呈现出一幅欢乐无比的画面。这确实是我在这国际大都市看到的意想不到的一道[/font][u]风景[/u][font=Simsun]。[/font]
[font=Simsun] 一会儿,老太太收拾好东西,发出[/font][u]离别[/u][font=Simsun]的指令,驱赶着玩够了的猫群,促使它们[/font][u]安静[/u][font=Simsun]下来,然后和它们一起[/font][u]回家[/u][font=Simsun]了。不久,罗马的公园又恢复了往日的冷清。[/font]