英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2016-3-28 09:13



Ryan Valach loves the three years he spent in the flight lab. "One of the coolest parts is working with industries and all the cool technology we work with. It is a definitely an opportunity that a lot of students don't usually get," he said._______________________"I decided, no I do not want to work on drones because of the privacy issues," he said. Drones can be used to invade people's privacy.Ryan Valach非常珍惜自己花在飞行实验室的三年时光. "最酷的地方就是和那么多企业合作,在工作中用到的技术.很多学生根本接触不到这些,我们却有机会."他说.________________________"我认为,我不想研究无人机,因为这关系到隐私."他说到.无人机可能会用作探求人们的隐私.

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