[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20160416.mp3[/audio]_______________________________ Speaking to parliament, Mr. Cameron dismissed calls for a second referendum. He said the Western world needs to remain united... "The challenges facing the West today are genuinely threatening: Putin's aggression in the East, Islamist extremism to the South. In my view, this is no time to divide the West." _______________________________首相卡梅伦在议会中发表讲话称,不会就该问题再举行一次公投.他表示西方世界需要保持团结. 首相卡梅伦说道:"西方世界如今面对的麻烦极具威胁性:俄罗斯在欧洲东部扩张势力,伊斯兰极端组织在欧洲南部兴风作浪.我认为,现在可不是西方世界内部分崩离析的时候."
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