[audio][/audio]Two people have tested positive for Ebola in Guinea almost three months after the outbreak in the country was declared over. The new cases were reported hours after the World Health Organization declared the latest Ebola flare-out to be over in neighboring Sierra Leone. Tulip Mazumdar reports. "_________________. It's understood three members of their family had recently died after showing symptoms of Ebola. The government says their village is now on lockdown and vaccines have been taken to the area to try and protect those at risk. The World Health Organization has warned sporadic cases of Ebola are likely to reemerge as the virus can linger on in body fluids of some survivors ." 三个月前,吉尼亚宣布埃博拉疫情扑灭,但近期发现两个埃博拉病毒呈阳性的吉尼亚人.这两个病例是世界卫生组织宣布邻国塞拉利昂最近的埃博拉疫情结束后被报道的.塔里普.马宗达为您报道,"______________. 据悉他们的三名家族成员近期过世,死前有埃博拉病毒的症状.政府称这座村庄已被封锁,他们已将疫苗运送至受灾地区,试图保护处在危险之中的人们.世界卫生组织警告称,埃博拉病毒会残留于幸存者的体液中,这使得零星个例埃博拉病毒携带者很有可能出现
**** Hidden Message ***** The two cases are [color=#ff0000]being[/color] cared for [color=#ff0000]at a[/color] treatment center in south of the country, close to where the worst Ebola outbreak was identified two years ago.