英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2016-5-18 15:16



Microsoft has pulled from the internet artificial intelligence software that was designed to respond to social media comments by chatting like a teenage girl. The program's chatbot character Tay was grounded when she began to makeracist, sexist and other offensive remarks. The software was designed to learn from conversations with real people.__________________ The concert which comes three days after a historic visit to Cuba by President Obama is being seen as another sign of real change on the island. And those are the latest stories from BBC news.  微软已从网上撤下一款人工智能软件,该软件被设计用来回应社交媒体的评论,它交谈起来像一个十几岁的女孩.当它的程序聊天形象Tay开始发表带有种族歧视、性别歧视等冒犯性言论的时候,这个程序被关闭了.微软有为这款软件设计从与真人会话中学习的功能.____________________ 这场在奥巴马总统对古巴进行历史性访问后三天举行的音乐会也被视为该岛经历变革的另一个迹象.这是由BBC新闻带来的最新新闻.

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雨落风残 发表于 2020-11-17 09:42

The Rolling Stones have arrived in Cuba for a landmark free concert which is expected to attract half a million people [color=#ff0000]later [/color]on Friday.

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