英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2016-5-20 11:26



Angola is asking International Monetary Fund for financial assistance, the country has been hit hard by the decline in oil prices, here's our economic's correspondent Andrew Walker. "_____________. International oil prices are now well below half the level it reached in 2014, so Angola is seeking financial assistance and negotiations are due to begin later this month. The IMF said it was ready to help Angola address its economic challenges." World news from the BBC. 遭受油价下跌重创后,安哥拉正向国际货币基金组织寻求帮助.经济新闻记者安德鲁?沃克为您报道."_______________. 目前国际油价低于2014年价格的一半,因此安哥拉正在寻求经济援助,相关磋商将在本月晚些时候.国际货币基金组织表示已着手帮助安哥拉解决其经济难题."BBC世界新闻.

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herman_liu76 发表于 2016-6-18 14:57

Oil account for more than 95% of Angola exports and more than 2/3 of government revenue. international oil prices are now will below half the level when it's in 2014

雨落风残 发表于 2020-11-14 16:04

Oil accounts for more than 95 percent of Angola's export and more than two thirds of the government's revenue.

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