[p=24, 2, left]A scientist has discovered actor Benedict Cumberbatch and King Richard III are cousins.[/p][p=24, 2, left] 一位科学家发现,演员本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇是理查三世的远亲。[/p][p=24, 2, left] Professor Kevin Schurer has revealed a link between Cumberbatch and the king which makes them third cousins, 16 times removed.[/p][p=24, 2, left] 教授凯文·席尔透露,康伯巴奇是这位国王的第16代曾堂孙。[/p][p=24, 2, left] In a present-day twist the Sherlock star is set to play the former monarch on screen later his year.[/p][p=24, 2, left] 在作为当今的一个转折点,这位夏洛克影星晚些时候要在荧幕上出演前君王理查三世。[/p][p=24, 2, left] It is estimated that between one million and 17 million people in the UK are connected, in some way, to Richard , whose remains were discovered buried beneath a council car park in Leicester in 2012.[/p][p=24, 2, left] 据估计在英国,1700万人中有100万人有血缘关系,理查的遗骸在2012年被发现被埋在莱斯特一个委员会停车场的下面。[/p][p=24, 2, left] But Prof Schurer, of Leicester University, said: “He (Cumberbatch) is more direct because he is a third cousin.[/p][p=24, 2, left] 但是莱斯特大学的席尔教授说:“因为他(康伯巴奇)是第三代堂兄弟,更有直属关系。”[/p][p=24, 2, left] Cumberbatch will play Richard in the upcoming BBC Two drama series ‘The Hollow Crown - King Richard III’.[/p][p=24, 2, left] 康伯巴奇将在BBC二套即将播出的英剧《空王冠:理查三世》中饰演这位国王。[/p][p=24, 2, left] Prof Schurer traced the line of descent, originating from Edward III - Richard III’s great great grandfather - all the way to Cumberbatch.[/p][p=24, 2, left] 席尔教授追溯了血统系,从爱德华三世开始到理查三世高曾祖父——一直到康伯巴奇。[/p][p=24, 2, left] Richard III was killed at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 during the War of the Roses and buried in a church in Leicester, which was later destroyed.[/p][p=24, 2, left] 理查三世在1485年的波斯沃斯“玫瑰之战”中被杀死,葬入莱斯特教堂,之后被毁坏。[/p]页: