英语听力论坛's Archiver

kobe 发表于 2016-8-31 23:59


[p=24, 2, left]  上下班高峰挤过地铁的人都体会过公共交通的拥挤,但是就有那么一些男乘客,坐在座位上非要张开双腿,一个人占两个位,美国网民近期将这种行为称为“manspreading(大爷式占座)”。[/p][p=24, 2, left]  Manspreading is the act of a man sitting with his knees spread widely apart, particularly when this crowds people next to him or prevents someone from taking an adjacent seat.[/p][p=24, 2, left]  “大爷式占座”指男性将双腿张开的坐姿,特别指他们用这种坐姿将身边拥挤的人群挤开,或阻止别人坐他们旁边的座位。[/p][p=24, 2, left]  例句:[/p][p=24, 2, left]  Any woman travelling by public transport will be aware of manspreading — where a male passenger sits with his legs splayed out, totally oblivious to the woman next to him who’s forced to double cross her legs for lack of space.[/p][p=24, 2, left]  乘坐公共交通工具的女性都知道什么叫“大爷式占座”——男性乘客完全不顾旁边的女性,在座位上张开双腿,把旁边的女性挤得只好翘起一条腿。[/p]

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