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kobe 发表于 2016-11-30 12:29


[p=28, 2, left][[b]摘要[/b]]可口可乐为广大消费者们推出了一款边喝汽水边使用的全新自拍装置,把“千禧一代的自恋”风潮推向了一个新的高度。该公司推出了一款瓶底基座装有内置照相机的定制自拍瓶。[/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]在你仰头喝可乐的时候,还能咔嚓来一张,将爽快的瞬间记录下来,这就是可口可乐最新推出的带自拍底座可乐瓶的最大作用。可口可乐推出至今,一直深受年轻人的喜爱,而自拍也是年轻人喜欢的一种生活方式,如今做了这个自拍可乐瓶自然也有为自家产品做广告的意味。当然,玩这个自拍瓶也是需要技巧的,收下巴、看镜头,这样才能美美哒。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, center]

[p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]Coca-Cola is taking the 'millennial narcissism' culture to the next level with a new gadget that lets consumers snap selfies while sipping its soda.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]可口可乐为广大消费者们推出了一款边喝汽水边使用的全新自拍装置,把“千禧一代的自恋”风潮推向了一个新的高度。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]The firm has unveiled a custom designed 'selfie bottle' complete with a built-in camera at the base.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]该公司推出了一款瓶底基座装有内置照相机的定制自拍瓶。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]It uses sensors to take pictures when the bottle is tilted past a 70-degree angle capturing you mid-drink.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]该款自拍瓶内置感应器,当瓶身的倾斜度超过70°,就会在喝饮料时抓拍你。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]All the images captured by the gadget, created for the firm's latest ad campaign, are automatically shared to Coca-Cola's Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]这种新装置是可口可乐最新使用的广告宣传手段,所有利用这个新装置拍摄下来的照片都会自动分享到可口可乐的Facebook、Instagram、Snapchat主页上。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]Coca-Cola Israel is the mastermind behind this 'game-changing' product, which was inspired by a gap in the market for novelty drinks, reports Business Insider.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]据商业内幕网报道,可口可乐以色列分公司从新型饮料的市场空缺中获得灵感,研发出这一“革新性”产品。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]The beverage giant then turned to Israel-based Gefen Team to help make this device a reality.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]于是,饮料业巨头可口可乐便找到了以色列的一家本土设计公司Gefen Team来制作出这种自拍瓶。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]'Users tag themselves and their friends in photos on Coca-Cola's social media assets,' Gefen Team said in a statement.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]该公司在声明中称:“用户可以在可口可乐的社交媒体上圈出自己和朋友,打上标签。”[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]'It really does the trick and makes the partygoers more present and active during the event, knowing they can share their special moments just by drinking.'[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]“这款产品效果极佳,能增加派对的人气和活跃度,让人们在喝饮料的同时记录并分享每一个不平凡的时刻。”[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]The selfie bottle was created for the Coca-Cola Summer Love, which is the largest brand outdoor event in Israel.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]自拍瓶专为可口可乐以色列分公司旗下最大的品牌户外活动——“可口可乐夏日之恋”而设计。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]Every picture snapped with the gadget during the festival is posted to Coca-Cola's Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook pages allowing individuals to capture moments while still enjoying the sugary beverage.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]在活动中用自拍瓶抓拍到的每一张照片都会上传到可口可乐的Snapchat, Instagram 和Facebook主页上,记录每一位用户畅饮可乐时的快乐瞬间。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]It has not yet been made clear if this device was just a promotional piece for the event or if it will make its way to the masses.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]然而,人们暂不清楚这款产品是仅用于企业的此次活动推广,还是将向大众普及。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]DailyMail.com has contacted Gefen Team for comment and has yet to receive a response.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]《每日邮报》网站试图与Gefen Team联系,但目前暂未收到任何回复。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]Although many believe snapping selfies is a way to boost your ego or feed your narcissistic needs, a recent study from the University of California found it may be enhancing people's overall well-being.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]虽然许多人认为自拍只是增强自信心、满足自恋欲的一种方式,但加利福尼亚大学最近的一项研究表明,自拍能增强人们的总体幸福感。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]Researchers found that regularly snapping selfies and sharing the images with friends boosts people's mood and ultimately makes them happier.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]研究者发现,定期自拍并与朋友分享可以让人心情愉悦,感到更加幸福。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]The findings suggest that taking one selfie a day will improve your confidence and make you more comfortable with yourself.[/font][/p]

kobe 发表于 2016-11-30 12:29

[p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]The findings suggest that taking one selfie a day will improve your confidence and make you more comfortable with yourself.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]这项发现表明,每天自拍一张能够增强你的自信心,让你更接受自己的模样。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]Researchers asked a group of college students record their moods, take photos and report their emotional state over the course of four weeks.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]研究人员让一群大学生在四周的时间内记录心情,拍照并报告自己的情绪状态。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]The project involved three types of photos to help the researchers determine how smiling, reflecting and giving to others might impact users' moods.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]为了帮助研究人员确定微笑自拍、拍摄他物、拍照送人是如何影响人的心情,这一项目涵盖了三种照片类型。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]The first was a selfie, to be taken daily while smiling, then a snap of something that made them happy and the third was a picture of something the photographer believed would bring happiness to another person (which was sent to that person).[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]第一种是人们平时拍下的微笑自拍,第二种是人们抓拍到的有趣事物照片,第三种是摄影者拍下的认为会给他人带来快乐的照片(照片会寄给那个人)。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]The team collected close to 2,900 mood measurements during their study and found that subjects in all three of the photo groups experience increased positive moods.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]该团队在研究中收集了将近2900种情绪测量数据,发现三种照片类型中的人都会拥有更多的乐观情绪。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]Some in the selfie group reported being more confident and comfortable with their smiling photos over time.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]报告显示,自拍组的一些学生在微笑自拍的时候会更加自信,心情更加愉快;[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]The students taking photos of objects that made them happy became more reflective and appreciative.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]那些抓拍有趣事物的学生会更加懂得思考和感激;[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]And those who took photos to make others happy became calmer and said that the connection to their friends and family helped relieve stress.[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]而给他人带来快乐的摄影组则会愈发沉着,他们都说通过与朋友和家人的互动释放了许多压力。[/font][/p][p=28, 2, left][font=Arial]英文来源:每日邮报[/font][/p]

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