英语听力论坛's Archiver

kobe 发表于 2017-3-5 11:38


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]In its latest installment, YouTube dating and travel series Dating Beyond Borders looks at female beauty standards across countries to show how vastly they vary and asking: 'how far do we go to look beautiful?' The video displays informative stats about cosmetic procedures in different countries.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  最新一期约会旅游节目《跨国界约会》审视了各国美女标准,看看差异有多巨大,并提出了问题“追求美貌我们做了多少努力?”[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  Each of the models is chosen as an embodiment of their country's beauty standards.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  模特们都被选出来代表其各自国家的美女标准。[/font][/color]


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  Starting in the UK, a young tanned brunette poses in a simple white tank top and jeans with a full face of make-up.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  头一个是英国,一名皮肤黝黑深褐发色的年轻女子穿着简单的白色背心和牛仔裤,整张脸都上了妆。[/font][/color]


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  The American standard is said to be focused on 'larger assets' thanks to celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and the Kardashian family.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  据说是因为珍妮弗•洛佩兹和卡戴珊家族等名人的关系,美国标准关注“丰乳肥臀”。[/font][/color]


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  The standard for Brazilian women is 'smaller breasts and a round bottom'.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  巴西女性的标准是“胸小臀大”。[/font][/color]


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  In Jamaica, however, a woman with a 'healthy body' is the most sought after.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  然而在牙买加,最受追捧的是女性“健康形体”。[/font][/color]


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  French women are 'considered the most underweight in Europe'.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  法国女性被视为“欧洲体重最轻”。[/font][/color]


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  A model in a sparkling outfit with plenty of jewelry represents India, where skin bleaching is popular.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  一位着装闪耀、穿金戴银的模特代表了印度,那里流行漂白肤色。[/font][/color]


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  Venezuala is the country that has produced the most winners of international beauty pageants.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  委内瑞拉盛产国际选美模特冠军,全球之最。[/font][/color]


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  The Chinese model shows off the 'melon seed face' - an oval shape with a pointed chin - that is considered the height of beauty in the country.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  中国模特炫出“瓜子脸",即椭圆脸型尖下巴,代表美的最高水平。[/font][/color]


[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]For both women and men in Iran, nose jobs are considered a status symbol.[/font][/color]

[color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]  在伊朗,无论男女,鼻子整形手术都是社会地位的象征。[/font][/color][color=#444444][font=Tahoma,]

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