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kobe 发表于 2017-3-9 08:24


[p=28, 2, left][size=4][[b]摘要[/b]]美国总统特朗普上台后,人们调侃他的签名简直就像是一个地震记录。他签一个名要花6-7秒,超过30划。而他的前任,左撇子奥巴马却只需要2-3秒。而最新研究发现,签名字体大的人,可能是个自恋狂。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]美国总统特朗普上台后,人们调侃他的签名简直就像是一个地震记录。同时,他签一个名要花6-7秒,超过30划。而他的前任,左撇子奥巴马却只需要2-3秒签一个名。而最新研究发现,签名字体大的人,可能是个自恋狂。[/size][/p]

[p=28, 2, center][size=4][attach]21066[/attach]
[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]If you sign your name in a large flourish, you just might be a narcissist.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]如果你的签名字体比较大,那你可能是个自恋狂。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]According to recent studies, signatures can be a tell-tale sign of a person’s darker traits, revealing if they are authoritative and exploitative.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]根据最近的研究,签名或是揭露人是否有权威感和特权感等腹黑个性的标志。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]In addition, researchers have found that a large signature is linked to those who enjoy being the center of attention – and for women especially, this writing style was tied to narcissism.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]此外,科研人员们还发现,字体大的人喜欢成为众人瞩目的中心。尤其是女性,使用这种大字体书写方式的女性非常自恋。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]A study analyzing the signatures of 500 chief financial officers found that signature size is linked only to the dark elements of narcissism, according to PsyBlog.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]心理博客表示,一项对500名首席财务官的签名的研究发现,签名的大小与只与自恋特质中的阴暗面有关。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]Positive traits associated with narcissism, such as self-confidence, were not found to be related.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]但研究发现,与自恋相关的积极个性特征,比如自信,与此并无关系。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]Instead, they noted a relationship between signature size, authoritativeness and exploitativeness.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]研究人员注意到,签名大小与权威感和特权感有关。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]And, CFOs with the largest signatures were more likely lie about the company’s earnings or relax internal controls.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]签名字体越大的首席财务官,越有可能谎报公司盈利或对公司疏于管理。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]‘In an ideal setting, you would be in direct contact with executives and have them take a personality test,’ said Dr Charles Ham, one of the study’s authors.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]该研究的一位作者Charles Ham博士说:“理想研究环境是直接接触高管,并对他们进行人格测试。”[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]‘But that’s not usually possible. A signature comes directly from the executive.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]“但这行不通。可签名却是直接来自高管的。”[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]‘We used two laboratory tests to establish the link between signature size and narcissism.’[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]“我们使用两个不同的实验室测试,来确定签名大小和自恋之间的联系。”[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]President Trump is among many well-known figures to use a large, illegible signature.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]特朗普总统经常使用一个很大又难以辨认的签名,这样的名人还有很多。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]And in his hand-written letters, he often uses all uppercase and overtakes much of the page.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]在他手写的信件中,他的签名经常使用大写,占据很大的页面。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]In a similar study, published in the Journal of Research in Personality, researchers investigated the relationship between signature size and a number of traits, including aggressive and sociable dominance, narcissism, and self-esteem.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]发表在《人格研究杂志》上的一项类似的研究中,研究人员调查了签名的大小和个性之间的关系,包括好斗和社会支配倾向,自恋和自尊。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]The team analyzed the signatures of 340 Uruguayan university students.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]研究小组分析了340名乌拉圭大学生的签名。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]This revealed ‘a significant link between signature size and sociable dominance, both for males and females, while narcissism was only in females significantly associated with signature size.’[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]研究显示了签名大小和社会支配倾向之间的显著联系(不论男女),而自恋只与女性的签名大小显著相关。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]People who score higher in sociable dominance often like to be the center of attention, the researchers explained.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]研究人员解释说,有社会支配倾向的人通常喜欢成为关注的焦点。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]‘Given the positive association of signature size and sociable dominance, larger signatures could be interpreted as a signal of the inclination to stand out and occupy a central position within a group,’ they wrote.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]研究人员写道,“考虑到签名大小和社会支配倾向的正相关,更大的签名可以解释为,签名者倾向于在群体中引人注目,成为人们关注的焦点。”[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]And, signature size isn’t the only indication that a person might be a narcissist.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]但签名大小不是暗示一个人自恋与否的唯一标志。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]The use of extra lines or exclamation marks could be revealing as well, according to PsyBlog.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]心理博客说道,使用额外的划线或感叹号也可以揭示自恋倾向。[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]‘We’ve looked for that silver lining, and we haven’t found it,’ Dr Ham said, explaining that many people consider narcissism a ‘good trait’ and often link it to Steve Jobs.[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]哈姆博士解释说,很多人认为自恋是一个“好的特质”,并且经常把它与史蒂夫•乔布斯联系起来。他说,“我们也在寻找这种可能,然而并没有发现。”[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]‘We didn’t predict at first that signature size would be related only to the dark elements of narcissism. But that’s what we found.’[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]“我们一开始并没有想到,签名的大小只会与自恋特质中的阴暗面有关。但这就是我们的研究发现。”[/size][/p][p=28, 2, left][size=4]英文来源:每日邮报[/size][/p]

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