英语听力论坛's Archiver

kobe 发表于 2017-12-20 23:44


[size=4][font=Tahoma, &quot][attach]21427[/attach]
[size=4][font=Tahoma, &quot][size=4]
Your salary doesn't determine how good of a person you are.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]工资并不能决定你是个多好的人。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]Fun is a relative concept.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]快乐是相对的。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]Thinking too much about a problem won't make it necessarily easier to solve.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]想太多并不一定能使问题更容易解决。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]Being successful means something different to each person...Respect that.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]对于每个人而言,成功所代表的并不一样。要尊重这一点。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]You're not especially lazy...You're just a mammal.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]你并不是特别懒……这是哺乳动物的共性。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]Don't take yourself too seriously.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]别太拿自己当回事。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]Things that are hard to say are usually the most important.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]说不出口的事通常是最重要的。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]You are not as weird as you think you are...Everyone feels a little different than the rest.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]你并没自己想的那么与众不同……每个人都觉着自己跟别人有点不一样。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]You don't need anynoe's permission to do what you feel is right for you...[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]你没有必要征求别人的许可去做你认为自己该做的事。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]Sleeping is the healthiest thing you can do without dong anything.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]睡觉是什么都不做就能做到的最健康的事。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]Find someone with whom you can laugh about everything and the rest will be fine.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]找个不管什么事都能和你一起开怀大笑的人,剩下的就都好办了。[/font]


[font=Tahoma, &quot]You can't get rid of your fears...But you can learn to live with them.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, &quot]你无法摆脱恐惧,但你可以学会与恐惧为伴。[/font][/size]

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