help me,help me,please!!!!
[b]这是我的一篇阅读写作总结报告,麻烦你们高手帮我检查一下是否有语法错误,语句通顺不通顺。请多多指教。我不知道应该用过去式写还是用现在式写。This book is very usefull.It's hlep us read english effectively and with pleasur.It's sample ,straightforward texts and tasks and difficulty grdualy in creasing to bring in more complex structures.There are different types of text,a variety of tasks which practise the various sub-skills of reading and full of pictures in this's good for us understand and respond ealilier.any questions that are asked generally have definite answers,but some don't have .for example unit 8 and unit 18.both i like the best.becauuse i think the units refer to our common sense.if we have much traveling common sense, we can respond easilier.but iwe can also guess.Unit 18 refer to invent. They two units haven't definity answers, so we can respond freely.I don't like unit 11 and unit 29,their are difficult for me .i don't know how to respond them.especially 3a in unit 11:look at that map. my brain is bigger.because the countries is strange to me . unit 29 my first impression is difficult.because i'm not interseted in pins.
through the book,I have gained some confidence。[/b] 修改四处单词:grdualy --gradually
error:first row:It's "pleasure",not "pleasur",and it's "For example",not "It's sample"
I do can't understand the means of the aticle after.