any more?
finished? thanks! :(( thanks very much谢谢
太棒了 THAT'S TERRIFIC. THANKS FOR YOUR HARD WORK! dingThank you very much!
33 altogether!
[size=2]There are 33 lessons altogether!maybe I will upload the remaining at the beginning of the new term.and also I hope some friends can continue the work if they can.Thanks a lot![/size] 收了,谢谢! 虚火!!!! 楼主.一共多少课呀?我下了22课,怎么没有了! Thank you very much! 怎么只到22呀,楼主好人做到底撒,我们将感激不尽的!!
:'(:'(:'(没完呀 [quote]原帖由 [i]catrinazhou[/i] 于 2006-4-7 11:43 AM 发表thank you !:) [/quote]
Your kindly help will be great appreciated!~
:):):) [quote]原帖由 [i]dongning[/i] 于 2006-8-6 04:59 PM 发表
O, new term? are you still a student? :lol i am a green hand thank you thanks a lot!! everyone jia you! very good, how nice to banzu thanks very much why do not Frivorate upload the rest lessons? we are eager to want them.
hi,glad to meet you:handshake 怎么才能快点赚积分啊?this seems good.
there is any more?
the remaining lessons?
we are looking forward! good enoughwhere to find the remaining 10 lessons?
谢谢LZ啦i have down load it
it's very good ,thank you ! could you keep it and upload the remains. [quote]原帖由 [i]ilsa[/i] 于 2006-4-27 11:43 AM 发表怎么弄到MP3里,我把它下载到电脑里移到MP3里,但是它出现的不是MP3形式.是个压缩的.只能在电脑里打开. [/quote]
先解压缩为mp3文件,再复制到Mp3里就可以了. thank you very much! thank you 我下载到我的电脑中,打不开,01和02是重复的. thanks 可以用不喽 用不了
也下不了了了啊 xiexie