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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » Self-Introduction


[ 8597 主题 / 15163 回复 ]

版块介绍: Introduce yourself in English to make yourself popular among all members here so that you will make more friends and get enough help from others. The more you speak, the more score you will get, the better your English will be.

版主: lihaixia1992

*“谢谢lz的分享”、“tks for sharing”、“看看答案”之类的话坚决不能评分,一经发现立即撤销~
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  hello azhu88 2010-5-2 1/890 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:15
  说句话呵呵 codylan 2010-5-2 1/836 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:16
  新手报到 阳哥 2010-5-2 1/1161 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:16
  Introdution of myself 帖子被加分 shuanzhu 2010-5-2 1/1212 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:36
  new player 任天狗 2010-5-2 1/1234 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:37
  hi ,I am happy to be here ,I am Jet jet1982 2010-5-2 1/1080 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:41
  an English learner suliangyao 2010-5-2 1/1161 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:42
  Introduce myself 一静水流深 2010-5-2 1/1248 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:44
  新手 [email protected] 2010-5-2 2/1087 xln1120 2010-5-4 18:37
hello everybody WOTIANSHI 2010-5-2 4/1165 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:54
  nice 2 meet u leopold 2010-5-2 1/1061 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:54
  hello 轻柔妙曼 2010-5-2 1/927 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:55
  文本下载见内页是什么意思啊 yfsong2003 2010-5-2 1/2268 tingroom 2010-5-3 09:04
  hello 孙雪梅 2010-5-2 2/1011 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:56
  新手任务 lhshazi110 2010-5-2 1/1601 tingroom 2010-5-3 09:06
  hello shenqi 2010-5-2 1/1000 xln1120 2010-5-2 19:27
  mower 帖子被加分 syMa驰 2010-5-2 1/1044 tingroom 2010-5-3 09:08
  hi zhangqucheng200 2010-5-2 2/1136 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:58
  我要学好英语 周鹏 2010-5-2 2/953 tingroom 2010-5-3 08:59
  My first article 杨思思 2010-5-2 2/1438 tingroom 2010-5-3 09:00
fly on the air 帖子被加分 member1989 2010-5-2 1/1364 xln1120 2010-5-2 13:18
  我来也 zsl79831 2010-5-2 1/772 xln1120 2010-5-2 13:18
  I hope the bottle of water is boiling as soon as possible 帖子被加分 JENNYZHANGHUI 2010-5-2 1/1344 xln1120 2010-5-2 13:18
  初学英语 脑袋进水 2010-5-2 1/1039 xln1120 2010-5-2 13:17
  大家好~ R.bc 2010-5-2 1/958 xln1120 2010-5-2 13:17
  新加入的,请各位多多指教 恰同学少年 2010-5-2 1/1085 xln1120 2010-5-2 10:41
  新人报到 wangkeping2010 2010-5-2 1/900 tingroom 2010-5-3 09:33
  myself 帖子被加分 唐少宇 2010-5-2 4/1718 龙爱坤 2010-5-26 09:31
  you to me fanjiachen 2010-5-2 1/1114 xln1120 2010-5-2 09:28
  怎样能快速背下高中3500个单词 卉卉 2010-5-2 1/1670 xln1120 2010-5-2 09:28
  目标:6月过英语六级 chengjay 2010-5-2 1/1358 xln1120 2010-5-2 09:28
  帮帮忙啊! 人生葬礼 2010-5-2 1/881 xln1120 2010-5-2 09:28
  报道 jingyong007 2010-5-1 1/632 xln1120 2010-5-2 09:27
  Self-introduction 银弹 2010-5-1 1/915 xln1120 2010-5-2 09:27
  新人报道 囧囧 2010-5-1 2/848 xln1120 2010-5-2 10:30