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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » Self-Introduction


[ 8597 主题 / 15163 回复 ]

版块介绍: Introduce yourself in English to make yourself popular among all members here so that you will make more friends and get enough help from others. The more you speak, the more score you will get, the better your English will be.

版主: lihaixia1992

*“谢谢lz的分享”、“tks for sharing”、“看看答案”之类的话坚决不能评分,一经发现立即撤销~
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  A friend 评价指数 1 1 级热门 KT1991 2012-2-27 3/1677 lghmhw 2012-2-28 13:42
  introduce myself 评价指数 1 帖子被加分 Selina54 2012-2-27 5/1760 Selina54 2012-2-29 20:25
  Christian Louboutin--red Soled Footwear Classic Design Unmatched 评价指数 1 josede57sk 2012-2-27 0/1882 josede57sk 2012-2-27 20:32
  FRIEND 追忆我 2012-2-27 4/1081 luyunhs 2012-2-28 16:24
  大家好,我新来的,请多指教祝论坛越办越好 帖子被加分 纲付升# 2012-2-26 2/1822 小尾巴猪 2012-2-26 22:58
  我得踏踏实实坚持学习《初级美国英语教程》 2 级热门 Jack12 2012-2-26 16/4026 leyla 2012-6-14 14:20
  学习方法 Sherry-sou 2012-2-23 1/1451 tingroom 2012-2-24 15:58
  Began to...... 1 级热门 Sherry-sou 2012-2-23 4/1052 night9295 2012-2-26 09:03
  do you want to know who i am 1 级热门 帖子被加分 风雪星月夜 2012-2-22 6/2777 风雪星月夜 2012-2-26 18:22
  Hello shui_yun 2012-2-22 1/1002 kobe 2012-2-22 09:05
  I am Real Realfree 2012-2-20 5/1454 Realfree 2012-2-22 12:45
  hello, I am alice 评价指数 2 alicezhao 2012-2-19 5/2981 alicezhao 2012-2-22 16:44
  Hello,everyone! tang24 2012-2-19 1/1019 kobe 2012-2-20 08:35
  Introduce my-self to all of you. 图片附件 琴弦shi 2012-2-16 4/1963 琴弦shi 2012-2-16 17:38
  I am Jack,Please help me more! zhcq731 2012-2-15 2/1107 kobe 2012-2-20 08:41
  HI shxsj 2012-2-15 3/1276 kobe 2012-2-20 08:42
  hi,everybody! 评价指数 1 1 级热门 dxlqsh 2012-2-15 7/1803 王笑天 2012-2-29 18:05
  Hello, everyone, I am so glad to be here 评价指数 1 1 级热门 mxl_2002002 2012-2-10 7/3181 fionliu 2012-4-4 13:15
  myself introduction nereus1023 2012-2-10 2/1593 kobe 2012-2-20 08:48
  First came to zha to, more business. suqi 2012-2-9 1/1462 tingroom 2012-2-10 16:27
  self introduction allennic 2012-2-7 1/1267 tingroom 2012-2-8 15:41
  我来了! 光宇苍穹 2012-2-7 4/1389 Jessicalv 2012-2-8 15:57
  myself 薄荷水娃娃 2012-2-6 1/845 tingroom 2012-2-7 15:33
  I am a student wzy123 2012-2-5 1/839 tingroom 2012-2-6 15:05
  Hello,everybody. qzy12 2012-2-5 1/816 tingroom 2012-2-6 15:04
  Hello erveryone! 王路荃 2012-2-4 1/1069 tingroom 2012-2-6 15:57
  Nice To Meet U 1 级热门 小金猪 2012-2-2 10/1975 小金猪 2012-2-7 13:12
  Just say hi 1 级热门 庾烟 2012-1-30 5/1691 maggieqiu 2012-2-2 14:03
  Hello everyone! xiaotian330 2012-1-28 2/1369 Tony.lang 2012-1-28 19:33
  Hi, I am comming! 评价指数 1 冬雅 2012-1-26 3/1139 Tony.lang 2012-1-27 12:35
  Hello 幸福站 2012-1-24 0/732 幸福站 2012-1-24 17:47
  岁数大,就是为了能听懂 1 级热门 breedong 2012-1-24 8/1895 wenyinhua 2012-2-5 15:48
  hi guys!!! 爱谁谁 2012-1-21 0/1280 爱谁谁 2012-1-21 21:47
  introduce myself edwinchen 2012-1-19 3/1308 tingroom 2012-1-20 15:54
  Happy New Year KathyZ 2012-1-18 1/1459 tingroom 2012-1-18 16:20