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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » Self-Introduction


[ 8597 主题 / 15163 回复 ]

版块介绍: Introduce yourself in English to make yourself popular among all members here so that you will make more friends and get enough help from others. The more you speak, the more score you will get, the better your English will be.

版主: lihaixia1992

*“谢谢lz的分享”、“tks for sharing”、“看看答案”之类的话坚决不能评分,一经发现立即撤销~
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  hello 帖子被加分 tshyht 2010-3-23 1/924 hellokitty 2010-3-24 08:46
  新手报道 帖子被加分 wangzheguoliang 2010-3-23 1/871 hellokitty 2010-3-24 08:49
  hands up kizzy 2010-3-23 1/995 hellokitty 2010-3-24 08:49
  新手报道 cgjgyuan 2010-3-23 1/736 hellokitty 2010-3-24 08:50
  introdice myself 帖子被加分 zhangleiailina 2010-3-23 1/1160 hellokitty 2010-3-24 08:51
  我是新来的…你们不能欺负我哦。。 小路猪 2010-3-23 2/1289 hellokitty 2010-3-24 08:53
  New member 帖子被加分 zhizhushang 2010-3-23 1/1011 hellokitty 2010-3-24 08:55
  introduction phw_515 2010-3-23 1/892 hellokitty 2010-3-24 08:56
  新手报道 MR小肥 2010-3-23 1/797 hellokitty 2010-3-24 08:59
  新手学习 满天星星912 2010-3-23 1/851 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:01
  新人报道 lshhyr 2010-3-23 1/943 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:09
  新手报道 yinshen 2010-3-23 1/750 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:10
  Say hi to everyone~ 帖子被加分 sunny.wang1982 2010-3-23 1/1060 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:11
  111 少来 2010-3-23 1/900 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:12
  Self-introduction 帖子被加分 宋佳利 2010-3-23 1/1381 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:18
我是新来的 单婗环 2010-3-23 1/1200 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:19
自学英语 sweetyallen 2010-3-23 1/1301 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:19
  this is me 帖子被加分 patricia2 2010-3-23 1/1190 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:23
  something about me 帖子被加分 假聪明 2010-3-23 1/1040 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:27
  I am mew comer here! 帖子被加分 仙人掌 2010-3-23 1/1378 hellokitty 2010-3-24 09:30
  Rookie report lixiaofei817 2010-3-23 1/1186 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:46
  为了更好的学习 dqlfk 2010-3-23 1/1028 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:47
  HELLO hehong 2010-3-23 1/828 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:47
  O(∩_∩)O c_bao 2010-3-23 1/878 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:48
  Hi 黑黑卉子 2010-3-23 1/977 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:48
  say hello to everyone 帖子被加分 5shuai8 2010-3-23 1/1036 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:50
  a freshman 帖子被加分 爸爸 2010-3-23 1/1066 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:51
  hey,all.....新人报道··· 晓风吹吹 2010-3-23 1/1109 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:52
  新手报到 xuyuanye 2010-3-23 1/798 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:53
  I'm here 帖子被加分 luzhuer 2010-3-23 1/981 snowmen 2010-3-24 09:54
  I am coming! 帖子被加分 hasaka1986 2010-3-23 1/919 snowmen 2010-3-24 10:21
  新手报到, lwsje 2010-3-23 1/810 snowmen 2010-3-24 10:21
  Hi, fish is coming! 帖子被加分 lq3 2010-3-23 2/1338 snowmen 2010-3-24 10:23
  Iam a new comer. mhc666 2010-3-23 1/877 snowmen 2010-3-24 10:24
  hello! 帖子被加分 xmf123456789 2010-3-23 1/801 snowmen 2010-3-24 10:25