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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » Self-Introduction


[ 8597 主题 / 15163 回复 ]

版块介绍: Introduce yourself in English to make yourself popular among all members here so that you will make more friends and get enough help from others. The more you speak, the more score you will get, the better your English will be.

版主: lihaixia1992

*“谢谢lz的分享”、“tks for sharing”、“看看答案”之类的话坚决不能评分,一经发现立即撤销~
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  新人报到 jinshun 2010-3-31 1/820 xln1120 2010-3-31 18:18
  new!! cddwosi 2010-3-31 1/868 xln1120 2010-3-31 18:19
  新手上路 王小华 2010-3-31 1/752 xln1120 2010-3-31 18:19
  New comer arrived firebomber1984 2010-3-31 1/1197 xln1120 2010-3-31 18:19
  I am a frashman 舞因 2010-3-31 1/975 xln1120 2010-3-31 18:19
  My introuduction 朱亚蕊 2010-3-31 1/1085 xln1120 2010-3-31 18:49
  Introduce myself qingfengzheng 2010-3-31 1/1017 xln1120 2010-3-31 18:49
  新手报到 water320 2010-3-31 1/1028 xln1120 2010-3-31 19:42
  新人新人 lixiangzi123 2010-3-31 1/842 xln1120 2010-3-31 19:42
  newcomer sunnybaby.1208 2010-3-31 1/1001 xln1120 2010-3-31 20:30
  hello zhangjunnian 2010-3-31 1/906 xln1120 2010-3-31 20:30
  新手报道 蚂蚁 2010-3-30 3/1003 蚂蚁 2010-3-31 20:58
  introdus myself maomao@ 2010-3-31 0/977 maomao@ 2010-3-31 21:04
  来报道,又想学英语了 wiskley 2010-4-1 1/1151 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:17
  新手报到 帖子被加分 gion 2010-4-1 1/1012 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:21
  新手报道 帖子被加分 jfgood 2010-4-1 1/1038 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:24
  新手报到~~~ herowk 2010-4-1 1/863 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:35
  从零开始学英语 zhu820715 2010-4-1 1/920 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:38
  新手报道 帖子被加分 错落, 2010-4-1 1/995 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:43
  help each other 帖子被加分 Irenechen 2010-3-31 1/1161 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:44
  新手报到 yuyi1198 2010-3-31 1/1019 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:46
  I am a freshman 吖关 2010-3-31 1/1121 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:47
  hi endless2010 2010-3-31 1/798 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:48
  怎么记单词 victor99 2010-3-31 1/1221 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:49
  熟练掌握英语,一生的好财富 寻狼人 2010-3-31 1/1416 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:52
  新手报到 swallow27 2010-3-31 1/995 tingroom 2010-4-1 08:52
  everyday is beautiful day 510longfei 2010-3-31 1/1399 hellokitty 2010-4-1 09:02
  英语专业还有前途了吗 wcx19891101 2010-3-31 1/1624 hellokitty 2010-4-1 09:07
  A freshman 帖子被加分 sky~ear 2010-3-31 1/1107 hellokitty 2010-4-1 09:08
  learn English very much zhandandan 2010-3-31 1/1132 hellokitty 2010-4-1 09:11
  new student 帖子被加分 尔尔 2010-3-31 1/1095 hellokitty 2010-4-1 09:12
  新手报到 热带鱼奇妙 2010-3-31 1/951 hellokitty 2010-4-1 09:16
  新手报到,学习! CNDOK_2010 2010-3-31 1/998 hellokitty 2010-4-1 09:19
  新手报到 huomiaomiao 2010-3-31 2/1099 chaina 2010-4-1 09:22
  新编商务 霹雳娘们 2010-3-31 1/1350 hellokitty 2010-4-1 09:30