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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » Self-Introduction


[ 8597 主题 / 15163 回复 ]

版块介绍: Introduce yourself in English to make yourself popular among all members here so that you will make more friends and get enough help from others. The more you speak, the more score you will get, the better your English will be.

版主: lihaixia1992

*“谢谢lz的分享”、“tks for sharing”、“看看答案”之类的话坚决不能评分,一经发现立即撤销~
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  Just for CET-4 帖子被加分 threettiger 2010-3-6 2/1584 tingroom 2010-3-8 09:26
  freshman 帖子被加分 zdzgx 2010-3-6 2/1185 tingroom 2010-3-8 09:29
  HELLO 帖子被加分 vickyfish 2010-3-6 2/1106 tingroom 2010-3-8 09:34
  Nice to meet you! 帖子被加分 hapyung 2010-3-6 2/1449 tingroom 2010-3-8 09:36
  a new bird 帖子被加分 Amy_Xue 2010-3-6 2/1505 tingroom 2010-3-8 09:39
  新手报道~ gprsluge 2010-3-8 1/1022 tingroom 2010-3-9 09:57
  Introduce myself~` 帖子被加分 47982251 2010-3-9 2/1479 doreen2199 2010-3-9 11:27
  Fighting! 帖子被加分 huaihuai402 2010-3-6 4/1540 huaihuai402 2010-3-9 17:02
  this is me 帖子被加分 lushia 2010-3-9 1/1224 halo 2010-3-10 08:31
  愣是丢了密码 帖子被加分 本—澜 2010-3-9 2/1518 halo 2010-3-10 08:34
  新人报道 hurstsky121 2010-3-9 1/901 halo 2010-3-10 08:39
  introuduce myself 帖子被加分 huhongchun 2010-3-9 2/1434 halo 2010-3-10 08:41
  信任报道 getianrenshi 2010-3-9 2/939 halo 2010-3-10 08:42
  新人报道 鹏飞 2010-3-9 2/911 halo 2010-3-10 08:51
  coming now 帖子被加分 lisuxuan2001 2010-3-9 1/971 halo 2010-3-10 08:57
  新人报道 lvhongfu 2010-3-9 2/987 x-ace 2010-3-10 09:08
  introduction myself 帖子被加分 hanxiaowen89 2010-3-9 1/1327 x-ace 2010-3-10 09:21
  怎么上传头像---管理员请帮忙. ovso 2010-3-9 1/1568 x-ace 2010-3-10 09:26
  新人报到 帖子被加分 gvtao 2010-3-9 1/961 x-ace 2010-3-10 09:34
  论坛新手必备:论坛常用词汇 帖子被加分 lkjj 2010-3-10 0/1374 lkjj 2010-3-10 14:47
  新人报道 kangyunjio 2010-3-10 1/817 柚子 2010-3-10 22:07
  新手报道 253400994 2010-3-11 1/1029 halo 2010-3-11 08:22
  I'm beginning student 帖子被加分 yuzongyin 2010-3-10 1/1158 halo 2010-3-11 08:52
  self-introduction 帖子被加分 zjh19791206 2010-3-10 1/1199 halo 2010-3-11 09:19
  学习英语好去处 帖子被加分 sophy_5288 2010-3-11 0/951 sophy_5288 2010-3-11 15:49
  My first posts 帖子被加分 lichuanyao 2010-3-11 1/1281 tingroom 2010-3-12 08:55
  This is Vicky, glad to start my journey of English learning here............ 帖子被加分 qw0311 2010-3-11 1/1767 tingroom 2010-3-12 09:14
  Hi,I'm Hellen. 帖子被加分 hellen850228 2010-3-11 1/1116 tingroom 2010-3-12 10:16
  Beginner of English 帖子被加分 993 2010-3-11 2/1299 tingroom 2010-3-12 10:25
  I'm an English teacher 帖子被加分 sd0311 2010-3-11 1/1353 halo 2010-3-12 10:39
  How to become a succeed Eglish teacher 帖子被加分 蒋水秀 2010-3-11 1/1885 halo 2010-3-12 11:02
  New comer........ 帖子被加分 vicky0622 2010-3-11 1/843 halo 2010-3-12 11:06
  I am new comer... 帖子被加分 alove110 2010-3-12 0/819 alove110 2010-3-12 12:41
  报道 dsfsadfsda 2010-3-8 2/1049 超越 2010-3-12 20:04
  new comer! 帖子被加分 duzongyang 2010-3-12 1/1024 x-ace 2010-3-13 09:10