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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » Self-Introduction


[ 8597 主题 / 15163 回复 ]

版块介绍: Introduce yourself in English to make yourself popular among all members here so that you will make more friends and get enough help from others. The more you speak, the more score you will get, the better your English will be.

版主: lihaixia1992

*“谢谢lz的分享”、“tks for sharing”、“看看答案”之类的话坚决不能评分,一经发现立即撤销~
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  新手报到 yanxk888 2010-5-14 1/969 tingroom 2010-5-14 09:53
  the first time to come here 歪歪乖0 2010-5-13 1/1480 tingroom 2010-5-14 10:12
  干嘛???? V.Rogers 2010-6-15 0/700 V.Rogers 2010-6-15 20:01
  Have good start eric007 2010-6-15 0/1227 eric007 2010-6-15 23:06
  新手报道 guihai007 2010-6-16 0/773 guihai007 2010-6-16 10:41
  I'm a new one tiantian1105 2010-6-16 0/898 tiantian1105 2010-6-16 13:12
  新人报道! applebanana 2010-6-16 0/647 applebanana 2010-6-16 13:22
      第二名 cong6109 2010-6-16 0/1000 cong6109 2010-6-16 14:38
  Introduction of myself qingchuan 2010-6-16 0/1605 qingchuan 2010-6-16 14:50
  intruduction for myself HARV7ARD 2010-6-16 0/1020 HARV7ARD 2010-6-16 15:30
  真菜鸟 Dale_dongdong 2010-6-16 0/919 Dale_dongdong 2010-6-16 20:05
  想学英语!!! 士心木杉 2010-6-16 0/702 士心木杉 2010-6-16 20:26
  the introduction of jocelyn catholic 2010-6-16 1/822 catholic 2010-6-16 20:31
  oo 开开心心 2010-6-16 0/946 开开心心 2010-6-16 20:42
  Pleased to meet you! 帖子被加分 whpxc001 2010-6-16 1/1514 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:02
  newer xuhao613714 2010-6-16 1/1126 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:02
  Hello Everyone Linda168 2010-6-16 1/1090 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:07
  小弟初来前辈多多指导 jackiewen 2010-6-16 1/1526 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:12
  はじめまして kari 2010-6-16 1/1207 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:14
  English is not hard 帖子被加分 真诚的男孩 2010-6-16 1/1604 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:15
  MBA联考英语该如何复习? zzqqll 2010-6-16 1/1658 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:17
  nice to meet you mindylee 2010-6-17 1/1354 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:18
  新手報到 Coloin.傀 2010-6-17 1/1167 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:20
  怎么样背单词 shangyongui 2010-6-17 1/1454 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:21
  Hi,everyone!! kumujian 2010-6-16 2/1231 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:27
  新人来报道了 yijian2595 2010-6-16 1/1035 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:28
  HELLO lyr983 2010-6-16 1/1289 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:31
  A wonder girl is coming~ 帖子被加分 黄杏芬 2010-6-16 1/1784 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:37
  self introduction 帖子被加分 bnx3510 2010-6-16 1/1139 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:38
  初中生学英语 幸福小熊 2010-6-16 1/1420 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:39
  Introduce myself 帖子被加分 1397328213 2010-6-16 1/1069 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:40
  Hello! I'm Calyn. 帖子被加分 Calyn 2010-6-16 1/966 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:46
  I want to learn English well 帖子被加分 阿莫 2010-6-16 1/1511 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:49
  hello! everyone! 帖子被加分 yihl 2010-6-16 1/1152 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:50
  我来也 诺水水 2010-6-16 1/1210 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:53