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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » Self-Introduction


[ 8597 主题 / 15163 回复 ]

版块介绍: Introduce yourself in English to make yourself popular among all members here so that you will make more friends and get enough help from others. The more you speak, the more score you will get, the better your English will be.

版主: lihaixia1992

*“谢谢lz的分享”、“tks for sharing”、“看看答案”之类的话坚决不能评分,一经发现立即撤销~
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  come here to learn english 帖子被加分 zikongsheji 2010-9-28 5/1833 sunnytung 2010-9-30 11:13
  Antojos VirgilLed 2017-5-11 0/1833 VirgilLed 2017-5-11 08:21
  My name is Langlang 1 级热门 ljhnbu 2011-8-24 4/1833 时尚岛01 2011-8-26 16:23
  Hello,everyone 1 级热门 帖子被加分 Anromin 2011-3-21 3/1832 piohuio 2011-4-17 14:11
  new here~~self introduction~ 1 级热门 帖子被加分 jiena 2011-4-14 5/1831 kuangye678 2011-4-17 09:59
  an late learner, a rookie here 帖子被加分 jamie5822 2011-2-22 3/1831 mnop433 2011-2-27 05:30
  新人报道~ 3 级热门 Fight英语 2012-9-8 1/1830 kobe 2012-9-8 21:18
  the death of aunt Fumei lyguojirong 2010-7-27 3/1830 youxiaxiaolala 2010-7-28 12:49
  my introduction 评价指数 1 ljpvq 2011-7-30 2/1830 ljpvq 2011-8-2 18:53
  Introduce myself in english 帖子被加分 joylovexuxu 2010-5-28 3/1830 pengsiguo 2010-5-30 11:48
  handsome boy! 帖子被加分 0aiwuzhijing0 2010-4-23 2/1830 halo 2010-4-24 08:58
  hello 1 级热门 weiyi654321 2012-6-16 7/1830 leyla 2012-6-19 17:39
  I need ur help 1 级热门 帖子被加分 creteagean 2011-4-24 4/1830 creteagean 2011-4-26 19:43
A cookie being here! oqooopo 2010-5-15 1/1829 tingroom 2010-5-17 14:53
  大家好,我新来的,请多指教祝论坛越办越好 帖子被加分 纲付升# 2012-2-26 2/1827 小尾巴猪 2012-2-26 22:58
  Sweet.Lan,nice to see you in here 帖子被加分 sweet.lan 2010-7-27 1/1826 areyouready 2010-8-9 14:00
  New hand 1 级热门 帖子被加分 prcstone 2011-6-13 7/1824 fangting 2011-6-14 10:03
  It's me~~~ 1 级热门 帖子被加分 回眸一笑 2010-12-9 4/1824 回眸一笑 2010-12-10 08:37
  a flashman!! 1 级热门 帖子被加分 六月飞霜 2012-3-10 6/1824 fionliu 2012-4-4 13:25
  新手 lcy3310 2010-5-20 1/1823 haohaoxueyy 2010-5-20 21:38
  introduce myself 1 级热门 帖子被加分 mayyuan 2010-12-31 7/1823 chenxiao 2011-1-11 20:20
  DO YOU KNOW THE KIND OF FISH CAN'T SWIM?? 1 级热门 帖子被加分 魚魚 2010-9-1 1/1821 areyouready 2010-9-1 17:55
  freshman julie123 2012-5-11 2/1821 kayee 2012-5-11 09:32
  Self-Introduction 评价指数 1 3 级热门 t631 2012-10-15 1/1821 雨寒 2012-11-7 17:37
  Introduce myself 帖子被加分 夕阳落 2011-3-10 2/1820 yoyo530521 2011-3-10 21:18
  hello,brothers and sisters 帖子被加分 493132642 2010-11-25 2/1818 areyouready 2010-11-25 17:51
  very please to be here 帖子被加分 kuang521 2010-5-21 1/1818 tingroom 2010-5-22 08:45
  I feel very happy 1 级热门 帖子被加分 bigbigworld 2011-3-9 2/1816 bigbigworld 2011-3-10 11:20
  self-intr0duction 帖子被加分 珍----珍 2010-10-11 4/1815 Jackson_Qin 2010-10-29 23:47
  self introduction、Shelley 帖子被加分 shelley910920 2010-7-23 3/1815 Y-Z 2010-7-30 10:38
I am glad to meet you 帖子被加分 radocmoon 2010-8-22 2/1813 areyouready 2010-8-23 18:37
  forever English,no ending persue 帖子被加分 wangshuyue5688 2010-7-1 3/1813 frobisher 2010-7-3 20:40
  Introduce myself 蓦然--Chole 2012-4-8 4/1812 蓦然--Chole 2012-4-8 21:56
  HI 1 级热门 Q先生 2012-10-21 6/1811 yli5 2012-10-30 14:17
introduce myself 1 级热门 竹间明月 2011-9-5 7/1810 captinjack 2011-9-12 20:25