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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » Self-Introduction


[ 8597 主题 / 15163 回复 ]

版块介绍: Introduce yourself in English to make yourself popular among all members here so that you will make more friends and get enough help from others. The more you speak, the more score you will get, the better your English will be.

版主: lihaixia1992

*“谢谢lz的分享”、“tks for sharing”、“看看答案”之类的话坚决不能评分,一经发现立即撤销~
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  hello,everyone 1 级热门 玩子风尚 2011-7-10 7/1746 李武军 2011-7-27 18:28
  哈哈哈终于成为会员了 霍华德休斯 2011-7-24 6/1746 kobe 2011-7-26 15:40
  I am Alice, I am going to study Super Kids ALICE3 2010-6-27 0/1744 ALICE3 2010-6-27 21:59
  英语在线,动力无限 fengkezhi 2010-5-4 1/1744 星期一 2010-5-5 01:01
  Hey there, click here you may know more about me. 18655590923 2017-2-17 0/1743 18655590923 2017-2-17 19:09
  Self introduction 1 级热门 柴铃铃 2011-11-5 3/1743 柴铃铃 2011-11-9 19:09
  我是新人 3 级热门 tiansw666 2012-12-2 4/1743 紫色蓝色 2012-12-4 22:57
  Try My Best 帖子被加分 舞小落 2010-3-24 1/1743 tingroom 2010-3-25 10:31
  额 没看新手指南 新人再次报道 1 级热门 maple游街 2012-8-9 5/1743 猥琐 2012-8-12 18:14
  self introduce 帖子被加分 flywater 2011-6-15 9/1742 kuangye678 2011-6-18 08:09
  A wonder girl is coming~ 帖子被加分 黄杏芬 2010-6-16 1/1742 tingroom 2010-6-17 09:37
  Introduce 龙羽儿 帖子被加分 龙羽儿 2010-3-26 1/1742 xln1120 2010-3-28 13:07
  henllo,everyone! 1 级热门 帖子被加分 mihuhu 2011-4-12 4/1742 lwdrmb1215116 2011-4-14 12:13
  Nice to meet you... coco85 2011-8-7 4/1741 mystone52 2011-8-11 13:14
  To be shot like a gun---introduce myself ws198473 2013-8-13 3/1741 簿子酒 2013-8-13 23:07
  New comer 帖子被加分 linxiaodong 2010-4-8 3/1741 FuturePioneer 2010-4-15 21:23
  self-introduction yyq54433784 2015-10-26 2/1740 kobe 2015-10-27 08:07
  Nice to meet you happywater 2010-8-5 3/1740 maoxixi 2010-8-8 11:23
  Hey~you! 帖子被加分 Decade 2010-6-21 6/1739 Decade 2010-6-26 22:46
  say hello to everybody 帖子被加分 Danatan 2010-8-15 2/1738 franky82 2010-8-16 14:43
  Self-introduction jkx521 2015-2-11 1/1737 kobe 2015-2-11 18:00
  Introduce myself bigbigworld 2011-3-9 4/1736 bigbigworld 2011-3-9 22:49
  Introduse myself tormorrow 2014-7-7 3/1736 1997422 2014-7-22 21:57
  Self introduction 帖子被加分 mrwpyz 2010-11-23 3/1735 areyouready 2011-2-19 00:29
  大家好 我是通过同学介绍注册的 感觉很不错 希望越办越好 ijinfu 2010-4-12 1/1735 tingroom 2010-4-13 08:28
  新人报到、请多关照。 eric-jc 2012-7-16 3/1734 心魔作祟 2012-7-16 21:15
  i am coming 帖子被加分 hyc_yy 2011-2-21 6/1734 夜深 2011-2-26 22:28
  Hi, new friends! 帖子被加分 Catherineny 2010-10-14 2/1733 areyouready 2010-10-14 18:42
  leo comes here leo-liu 2011-10-8 4/1732 leo-liu 2011-10-9 20:28
  hi,I am working hard on my English now hnxtlk 2010-7-3 4/1732 hnxtlk 2010-7-3 16:26
  join us 帖子被加分 llplkh 2010-12-8 2/1732 areyouready 2010-12-8 18:15
  新人报道 年三十 2013-7-21 7/1731 icefire 2013-7-26 15:07
  travell,jazz,thinking,reading 1 级热门 花开花落301 2012-3-27 6/1731 Iridescent_Y 2012-4-7 22:44
  to be zero 2 级热门 Richard2898 2012-12-16 4/1731 Richard2898 2012-12-17 02:15
  self-introduction(cathy) 1 级热门 cathy2011 2011-9-5 4/1730 帘卷西风 2011-9-18 12:20