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[ 1994 主题 / 5847 回复 ]

版块介绍: Reading daily jokes you could not only learn English but also could understand the foreigner's humor.What are you waiting for ?Come on to relax yourself now!

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  Virtue 帖子被加分 duhongmei 2010-4-22 0/1321 duhongmei 2010-4-22 21:29
  4月22日笑口常开:came in the window 帖子被加分 beiju 2010-4-22 8/2870 云舟一念 2011-2-8 10:46
  4月20日笑口常开:who is the most obedient?    帖子被加分 hyingrzhe 2010-4-20 14/4148 hohoxu_hao115 2011-12-20 14:16
0 to 200 in 6 seconds 帖子被加分 FuturePioneer 2010-4-19 0/1604 FuturePioneer 2010-4-19 22:27
  4月19日笑口常开:grow up 帖子被加分 chinin 2010-4-19 16/3841 laura6688 2010-8-27 15:38
  4月16日英语笑话:can it take off? 帖子被加分 NBA2012 2010-4-16 3/2582 emily.w 2010-4-18 10:12
  4月15日笑口常开:what will happen to the patient? hellokitty 2010-4-15 6/2792 Laura87 2010-4-16 16:13
  4月13日英语笑话:A new dorm rule 帖子被加分 yuandan 2010-4-13 6/3202 licyna 2010-4-20 12:27
  Hello,everybody 帖子被加分 子乎者也 2010-4-12 2/1762 liyijun2008 2010-4-21 21:49
  4月10日英语小环:i do not want to see that snowmen 2010-4-10 10/4483 licyna 2010-4-20 22:19
  4月9日英语笑话:uncreditable politicians 帖子被加分 beiju 2010-4-9 5/3290 zhangqucheng200 2010-5-2 15:29
  4月7日英语笑话:Barking dogs don't bite hellokitty 2010-4-7 2/2414 myqqtom 2010-4-10 13:58
  4月3日英语笑话:god's number tomson 2010-4-3 1/1864 haojunchensuper 2010-4-3 18:29
  4月2日英语笑话:when to depart xifan 2010-4-2 1/1665 mike.wan 2010-4-5 09:22
  4月1日笑口常开:so many fools beiju 2010-4-1 10/2506 chenxiao 2011-1-11 20:31
  3月31日笑话分享:what is the result? hyingrzhe 2010-3-31 2/1660 welove312 2010-4-1 12:17
  3月27日笑口常开:where can accessorries be found? lkjj 2010-3-27 8/2677 liyijun2008 2010-4-18 22:40
  3月25日笑口常开:Auction Fair peopoo 2010-3-25 9/4097 fyj139139 2010-4-21 10:57
  3月24日英语笑话:what does the man mean beiju 2010-3-24 4/2525 liyijun2008 2010-4-17 16:26
  3月22日笑口常开:troublesome wife 帖子被加分 sumny 2010-3-22 10/3591 haojunchensuper 2010-4-12 20:00
  3月19日英语笑话:相亲 帖子被加分 lkjj 2010-3-19 9/3585 吉祥猪 2010-3-23 11:48
  3月18日笑口常开:It is not worth 帖子被加分 xifan 2010-3-18 4/2836 蒲柳小幽 2010-3-20 19:44
  3月17日笑话分享:it is sunny 帖子被加分 retun 2010-3-17 7/2987 吉祥猪 2010-3-23 12:00
  3月16日英语笑话:hard to please parent 帖子被加分 hyingrzhe 2010-3-16 6/2525 welove312 2010-3-22 17:15
  3月15日英语笑话:why did the man use pet names hellokitty 2010-3-15 8/3473 welove312 2010-3-22 19:44
  3月12日笑口常开:next five days' newspaper 帖子被加分 beiju 2010-3-12 12/4592 welove312 2010-3-22 21:21
  3月11日笑话分享:hangup tomson 2010-3-11 9/2689 welove312 2010-3-22 21:28
  My current job damosnow 2010-3-11 3/1790 special 2010-3-11 19:39
  where to store? damosnow 2010-3-11 2/1953 tingroom 2010-3-12 10:18
  3月10日笑话分享:where to store it? 帖子被加分 xifan 2010-3-10 9/2612 吉祥猪 2010-3-17 12:37
  3月9日笑话分享:在医院 sumny 2010-3-9 9/2860 jhw1007 2010-8-23 23:18
  3月6日英语笑话:my co-worker peopoo 2010-3-6 5/2290 welove312 2010-3-22 21:41
  3月5日英语笑话:whose bill? yuandan 2010-3-5 10/2908 mrgdh2008 2010-3-18 10:25
  3月3日英语笑话:Friend for Dinner 帖子被加分 beiju 2010-3-3 3/2285 mrgdh2008 2010-3-19 17:21
  3月2日英语笑话:Lose weight yuandan 2010-3-2 8/2858 welove312 2010-3-22 17:21