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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  VOA慢速英语2014.08.04 Rebecca949 2014-8-5 2/1474 herman_liu76 2014-8-6 16:31
  Teaching Rural Farmers With Cell Phone Videos 李武军 2011-6-28 0/1474 李武军 2011-6-28 06:36
  Senators Aim to Avoid Delays Over Bush's Court Nominees 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1473 李武军 2011-7-2 18:26
  Olsen Shines in Cult Psychological Thriller 李武军 2011-11-30 0/1473 李武军 2011-11-30 18:29
  VOA慢速英语2012.08.24 Rebecca949 2012-8-27 3/1473 jizhao19960124 2012-8-27 23:55
  Study Finds Some Ocean Fisheries Are Recovering 李武军 2011-6-29 0/1472 李武军 2011-6-29 07:14
  VOA慢速英语2015.05.02 Rebecca949 2015-5-5 0/1472 Rebecca949 2015-5-5 08:59
  World Food Prize Winners 李武军 2011-6-29 0/1471 李武军 2011-6-29 10:23
  American History: Popular Culture in '50s 李武军 2011-9-20 0/1471 李武军 2011-9-20 08:14
  VOA慢速英语2012.10.03 Rebecca949 2012-10-8 3/1471 浅浅460355227 2012-10-11 16:48
  VOA慢速英语2013.03.06 Rebecca949 2013-3-6 1/1471 Lovejoyce 2013-3-6 20:16
  VOA慢速英语2014.04.30 Rebecca949 2014-5-4 1/1471 jessica-tang 2014-5-20 12:36
  四级练习2013.08.23 Rebecca949 2013-8-23 1/1470 tang24 2013-9-4 22:04
  Future of Relations With Turkey Questioned After Israeli Raid on Flotilla 李武军 2011-7-3 0/1470 李武军 2011-7-3 07:31
  VOA慢速英语2012.03.05 Rebecca949 2012-3-19 1/1470 yunalinzi 2012-3-21 09:12
  VOA慢速英语2011.11.12 Rebecca949 2011-11-12 2/1469 Bree 2011-11-12 17:58
  VOA慢速英语2012.05.17 Rebecca949 2012-5-17 1/1469 jiaoyangrenshen 2012-6-25 20:11
  VOA慢速英语2012.06.09 Rebecca949 2012-6-9 2/1469 幻化成雪 2012-6-12 19:38
  VOA慢速英语2013.06.28 Rebecca949 2013-6-28 1/1469 簿子酒 2013-6-30 23:25
  VOA慢速英语2014.10.30 Rebecca949 2014-10-30 1/1468 mdwuheng 2014-11-29 22:40
  VOA慢速英语2016.08.16 Rebecca949 2016-10-10 0/1468 Rebecca949 2016-10-10 11:10
  In Afghanistan, Preparing for a Threat to Wheat Plants 李武军 2011-6-29 0/1468 李武军 2011-6-29 07:14
  Spray Detects Hard-to-Find Tumors 李武军 2011-11-26 1/1468 小尾巴猪 2011-11-27 10:18
  First Presidential Debate 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1467 李武军 2011-7-2 18:40
  James Buchanan, Part 3 李武军 2011-7-13 0/1467 李武军 2011-7-13 21:21
  VOA慢速英语2012.12.20 Rebecca949 2012-12-20 1/1467 白彗星 2012-12-20 20:43
  VOA慢速英语2013.06.29 Rebecca949 2013-7-1 0/1467 Rebecca949 2013-7-1 10:14
  VOA慢速英语2013.08.02 Rebecca949 2013-8-2 0/1466 Rebecca949 2013-8-2 14:29
  Tunisians Mourn Loses in Jasmine Revolution 李武军 2011-7-1 0/1466 李武军 2011-7-1 12:03
  VOA标准英语2011.10.28 Rebecca949 2011-10-29 2/1466 guobinmoon 2011-12-13 12:16
  VOA慢速英语2011.11.21 Rebecca949 2011-11-21 1/1466 Bree 2011-11-30 21:21
  New Law in Vietnam to Tackle Changing Face of Human Trafficking 李武军 2011-11-30 0/1465 李武军 2011-11-30 18:29
  VOA慢速英语2012.10.07 Rebecca949 2012-10-10 2/1465 zhant220 2012-10-15 16:36
  State of the Union 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1463 李武军 2011-7-2 17:43
  Giving Grasslands a Rest 李武军 2011-6-29 0/1462 李武军 2011-6-29 06:36